SpinView.maxloadradius spinview-maxloadradius

Represents the maximum number of frames to preload in each direction when the SpinView is idle.

[SpinView.|<containerId>_spinView.]maxloadradius= *value*[, *highRes*]

A value of -1 preloads all frames in the set. The preloaded frames are always seen at the original resolution that the SpinView was initially loaded.

Controls the quality of preloaded frames.

When set to 1 the frames load in high-quality, matching the size of the component.

When set to 0 only the low-resolution preview tile is loaded.

Preloading in high resolution improves a user's experience, especially when auto-spin is enabled. At the same time, it results in slower start time and higher network consumption, so it should be used with care. When high-resolution preload is used, the preloaded frames are always in the original resolution at which the component was initially loaded.

Properties section-65be9301796240e38f31818229da7acc


Default section-bd374ffc5182484faa77a7a3c8fa70f2


Example section-bd6c4249bccf44aab13fee8552f5a8b3

