setAsset setasset

JavaScript API reference for Inline Zoom Viewer.

setAsset( *asset*)


{ String} new asset id, explicit image set, or explicit image set with frame-specific Image Serving modifiers, with optional global Image Serving modifiers appended after ?.

Images which use IR (Image Rendering) or UGC (User-Generated Content) are not supported by this viewer.

Sets the new asset. You can call this parameter at any time, either before or after init(). If it is called after init(), the viewer swaps the asset at runtime.

See also init.

Returns section-1d3cf85bc7cc4dfe9670e038d02b9101


Example section-9e9332aa86b74a5fb321375c03fdc5b3

Single image reference:


Single reference to an image set that is defined in a catalog:


Explicit image set:


Explicit image set with frame-specific Image Serving modifiers:


Sharpening modifier added to all images in the set:
