Viewers release notes (5.16.5) viewers-release-notes

Adobe Dynamic Media Viewers section-5460f4e254d44c5a95196e6cb657b7e4

The package includes the following:

  • HTML5 Viewers

    • BasicZoomViewer
    • eCatalogViewer
    • eCatalogSearchViewer
    • FlyoutViewer
    • MixedMediaViewer
    • SpinViewer
    • VideoViewer
    • ZoomViewer
  • Adobe Experience Manager Dynamic Media Viewers

    • CarouselViewer
    • DimensionalViewer
    • InteractiveImage
    • InteractiveVideoViewer
    • PanoramicViewer
    • SmartCropVideoViewer
    • Video360Viewer
    • ZoomVerticalViewer
  • HTML5 Viewers for mobile only (legacy, using 3.10 s7sdk)

    • basicZoomMobile
    • flyout
    • genericSpinMobile
    • genericZoomMobile
    • mixedMedia

Dynamic Media Viewers 5.16.5 new-features-and-enhancements-5-16-5

  • Fixed 3D assets loading issue in Dimensional viewer on Chrome 97.

Dynamic Media Viewers 5.16.4 new-features-and-enhancements-5-16-4

  • Ended support for HLS streaming in Internet Explorer 11 in Dynamic Media - Hybrid mode.

Dynamic Media Viewers 5.16.3 new-features-and-enhancements-5-16-3

  • Corrected NVDA focus trap in the zoomable view when using +, - and Esc navigation keys.
  • Added ARIA support to the volume slider.
  • Added visual asterisk(*) symbol for To and From required email edit fields in the Email dialog box.
  • Fixed narrating label information in the Email dialog box using down arrow and form mode shortcut key F.
  • Fixed error suggestions for the To and From in the email dialog box on using keyboard tab.
  • Fixed label mapping for the Embed Size menu button present in the Get Embed Code dialog box in form mode shortcut key F.
  • Empty page title in the Viewer Presets page is now fixed.
  • Alignment of radio buttons in the Interactive Video editor is now fixed.

Dynamic Media Viewers 5.16.2 new-features-and-enhancements-5-16-2

  • Fixed URL sanitizing to allow for dash character in subdomain.

Adobe Customer Care customer-care

See Support.

Known issues and restrictions known-issues-and-restrictions

  • The Image Serving modifiers from IS commands are not added to the req=set request by design. However, modifiers that only affect image display work fine. Modifiers affecting size must be used in a complex asset. For example: {Scene7SharedAssets/Backpack_B?extendn=0.5%252C0.5%252C0.5%252C0.5}

  • Scaling the browser window leads to incorrect resizing.

  • iPad 2 - Large eCatalog assets crash Safari on iOS.

All viewers all-viewers

  • Watermarks, obfuscation, and locking are not supported.
  • Image presets are not supported.
  • Adding or removing viewer from the DOM using display:none CSS or by dynamically detaching it from the parent node is not supported.

HTML5 all viewers html5-all-viewers

  • Embedding a viewer in a table can result in incorrect sizing or placement of the viewer in non-native full-screen mode. Adobe recommends you use DIVs instead.
  • Parameters with explicit instance names in the code require instance names in the URL as well to be overwritten (for example, zoomView.iconfeffect=0).
  • Image Serving command crop is not supported.
  • Close button only works if the viewer is open in a child window.
  • IS commands modifier does not support Image Serving modifiers that affect image size.

HTML5 eCatalog html5-ecatalog

  • Navigating to other HTML page and then returning occasionally causes the viewer to reset back to the first page.
  • Page layout occasionally displays incorrectly after rotating the iOS device. Zooming into the page corrects the layout.
  • Internal links only to left-most page in multi-page spreads. Affects mobile devices in portrait mode.

HTML5 Mixed Media html5-mixed-media

  • Soundtrack play is not supported.

HTML5 Social html5-social

  • To render thumbnails properly in outgoing email, the serverurl modifier must have an absolute URL.

HTML5 Video html5-video

  • The poster image can encounter a max size error. Increase the limit setting for Image Serving Publish.
  • Video captions require a company rule set if the hosting HTML page is served from an external server (not a Dynamic Media server). Contact Adobe Customer Care for assistance.
  • Analytics tracking can report incorrect play percentage due to buffering.
  • On iPad or Android™ devices, a black frame shows instead of a poster image.
  • On iPad or Android™ devices, a black frame flashes onscreen during the loading of the viewer.
  • On iPad devices, black borders are shown on the side of the VideoPlayer component when the background is set to white/transparent.
  • On iPad, using iOS 7, the last frame of video is distorted.
  • On Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer browsers, occasional macro blocking occurs during video seek in HLS streaming mode.
  • The poster image does not show in the Microsoft® Edge browser for visitors the first time.
  • When progressive playback is used, the poster image hides after the video loads in Internet Explorer 9.