Localization of user interface elements localization-of-user-interface-elements
Certain content that the Basic Zoom Viewer displays is subject to localization, including zoom buttons and a full-screen button.
Every textual content in the viewer that can be localized is represented by a special Viewer SDK identifier called SYMBOL. Any SYMBOL has a default-associated text value for the English locale ( "en"
) supplied with the out-of-the-box viewer, and may also have user-defined values set for as many locales as needed.
When the viewer starts, it checks the current locale to see if there is a user-defined value for each supported SYMBOL in the locale. If there is, it uses the user-defined value; otherwise, it falls back to the out-of-the-box default text.
User-defined localization data can be passed to the viewer as a localization JSON object. Such an object contains the list of supported locales, SYMBOL text values for each locale, and the default locale.
An example of such localization object:
"ZoomInButton.TOOLTIP":"Zoom In"
In the example above, the localization object defines two locales ( "en"
and "fr"
) and provides localization for two user interface elements in each locale.
The web page code should pass such localization object to the viewer constructor as a value of localizedTexts
field of the configuration object. An alternative option is to pass the localization object by calling setLocalizedTexts(localizationInfo)
The following SYMBOLs are supported: