Scene7 Viewers 5.2.2 Release Notes scene-viewers-release-notes

Adobe Scene7 Viewers section-0b0363fae0274737bace119f281e740f

Viewer upgrades are backwards compatible and therefore, no changes are necessary to your existing web code. However, it is recommended that you test the new viewers on Adobe’s staging environment. The following website gives instructions on how you can set up your system to access Adobe’s staging server:

After you have set up your computer to access the staging server, you can check your website to test the upgrade. For customers using out-of-the-box viewers, best practice is for you to test against Adobe’s standard staging server and

New features and enhancements section-405e47e202e54943bd843d82415c91cb

  • Added support for Inline Zoom in the Mixed Media Viewer.
  • Added support for Print, Download, and Favorites in the eCatalog Viewer.
  • Added ability to retrieve ParameterManager using the getComponent API.
  • Converted Spin Viewer, Zoom Viewer, Video Viewer, and Flyout Viewer to use sprites for artwork.
  • Added support for Internet Explorer 11 native full-screen.
  • Refactored simulated (non-native) full-screen support in Container.
  • Increased CSS Small Marker size to support larger phones.
  • Removed CSS size markers for Spin, BasicZoom, Zoom, Spin, and MixedMedia viewers on desktop browsers.
  • Added support to allow quality configuration of preloaded frames in SpinView.

Bug fixes section-83698d163c304b6fb99a98d857cd3c27

  • Galaxy S4 - Portrait mode: Incorrect CSS size marker when full-screen mode enabled
  • Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10 - Zoom works incorrectly if the width property is defined for IMGs in the CSS.
  • [eCatalog] Image maps are stuck after using JavaScript templates for external linking on Internet Explorer 9.

Known issues and restrictions section-368dd0dc138b44e28b49314e4ad0fa1a

  • The Image Serving modifiers from iscommands are not added to the req=set request by design. Modifiers that only affect image display work fine. Modifiers affecting size must be used in a complex asset. For example:

    code language-none {Scene7SharedAssets/Backpack_B?extendn=0.5%252C0.5%252C0.5%252C0.5}
  • iPad - Manual sets fail to display on Chrome browser

  • Flyout - Internet Explorer 9 sometimes remains on-screen after mouse off.

  • ZoomViewer - Unable to zoom an image by mouse click (Windows 8, touch screen, Chrome).

  • Browser scaling leads to wrong resizing.

  • iPad 2 - Large eCatalog asset crashes Safari on IOS.

All Scene7 viewers

  • Watermarks, obfuscation, and locking are not supported.
  • Image presets are not supported.
  • Adding or removing viewer from the DOM using display:none CSS or by dynamically detaching it from the parent node is not supported.

All viewers

  • Embedding the viewer in a table may result in incorrect sizing or placement of the viewer in non-native full-screen mode. Use DIVs instead.
  • Parameters with explicit instance names in the code require instance names in the URL to be overwritten as well. For example, zoomView.iconeffect=0.
  • Image Serving command crop is not supported.
  • Close button only works if the viewer is open in a child window.
  • Iscommands modifier does not support Image Serving modifiers that affect image size.
  • CSS style display:none on DIV container is not supported. Includes Jquery hide() method.

eCatalog viewer

  • Navigating to other HTML pages and then returning occasionally causes the viewer to reset back to the first page.
  • The page layout occasionally displays incorrectly after rotating the iOS device. Zooming into the page corrects the layout.
  • Internal links only to the left-most page in multi-page spreads. This issue affects mobile devices in portrait mode.
  • InitalFrame links only to the left-most page in multi-page spreads. This issue affects mobile devices in portrait mode.
  • Due to browser limitations, the Print feature is not available in Internet Explorer 9.

Mixed Media viewer

  • Sound track play is not supported.

Social viewer

  • To render thumbnails properly in outgoing email, the serverurl modifier must use an absolute URL.

Video viewer

  • The poster image may encounter “max size” error. The user must increase the limit setting for Image Serving Publish.
  • Video captions require a company ruleset if they are hosting an HTML page that is served from an external server that is not a Scene7 server. Contact Adobe technical support for assistance.
  • Analytics tracking may report incorrect play percentage due to buffering.
  • Black frame instead of poster image may show on iPad or Android™ devices.
  • Black frame may flash on screen during viewer load on iPad or Android™ devices.
  • Black borders are shown on side of VideoPlayer component when background is set to white or transparent on iPad devices.
  • Last frame of video may be distorted on iPad using iOS 7.