direction direction



Specifies the way pages are displayed in the main view and thumbnails. It also specifies the way the user interacts with the viewer user interface to change between catalog frames.

When left is used it sets a right alignment for the initial page, and left alignment for the last page. It stitches individual page subimages for left-to-right rendering order. It also sets the main view to use right-to-left slide animation to advance the catalog (in case PageView.frametransition is set to slide). Finally, thumbnails are set for a left-to-right fill order.

Similarly, when right is used it sets a left alignment for the initial page, and right alignment for the last page. It stitches individual page subimages for right-to-left rendering order. It also sets the main view to use left-to-right slide animation to advance the catalog (in case PageView.frametransition is set to slide). Finally, it reverses the thumbnails order so that the thumbnails view is filled in right-to-left, top-to-bottom direction.

When auto is set, the viewer applies right mode when locale is set to ja; otherwise, it uses left mode.

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