Localization of user interface elements localization-of-user-interface-elements
Certain content that the Interactive Video Viewer displays is subject to localization. Such content includes user interface element tool tips and an error message that is displayed when the video is unable to play.
Every textual content in the viewer that can be localized is represented by the special Viewer SDK identifier called SYMBOL. Any SYMBOL has a default-associated text value for an English locale ( "en"
) supplied with the out-of-the-box viewer. It may also have user-defined values set for as many locales as needed.
When the viewer starts, it checks the current locale to see if there is a user-defined value for each supported SYMBOL for such locale. If there is, it uses the user-defined value; otherwise, it falls back to the out-of-the-box default text.
User-defined localization data can be passed to the viewer as a localization JSON object. Such object contains the list of supported locales, SYMBOL text values for each locale, and the default locale.
An example of such a localization object is the following:
"VideoPlayer.ERROR":"Your Browser does not support HTML5 Video tag or the video cannot be played.",
"VideoPlayer.ERROR":"Votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge la vidéo HTML5 tag ou la vidéo ne peuvent pas être lus.",
In the example above, the localization object defines two locales ( "en"
and "fr"
) and provides localization for two user interface elements in each locale.
The web page code should pass the localization object to the viewer constructor, as a value of localizedTexts
field of the configuration object. An alternative option is to pass the localization object by calling setLocalizedTexts(localizationInfo)
The following SYMBOLs are supported: