PageView.enableHD pageview-enablehd
[PageView.|<containerId>_pageView.]enableHD=always|never|limit[, *
Properties section-38b878e38caa439bb462d4fa637afdaa
Default section-50b22de303c1432094530e6583132c02
Example section-09433488774245d985acef6c0341ece0
The following are the expected results when you use this configuration attribute with the viewer, and the viewer size is 1000 x 1000:
The pixel density of the screen/device is always accounted for.
If the screen pixel density = 1, then the requested image is 1000 x 1000.
If the screen pixel density = 1.5, then the requested image is 1500 x 1500.
If the screen pixel density = 2, then the requested image is 2000 x 2000.
A device pixel density is requested and served only if the resulting image is below the specified limit.
The limit number applies to either the width or the height dimension.
If the limit number is 1600, and the pixel density is 1.5, then the 1500 x 1500 image is served.
If the limit number is 1600, and the pixel density is 2, then the 1000 x 1000 image is served because the 2000 x 2000 image exceeds the limit.
Best practice: The limit number must work with the company setting for maximum size image. Therefore, set the limit number to equal the company maximum image size setting.