Adobe Experience Cloud Release Notes - January 2022


Learn about the latest release updates for Adobe Experience Cloud products. Get the latest self-help documentation, tutorials, and courses on Experience League.

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January 2022

Latest update: February 3, 2022

Need help? Visit Experience League for product and technical documentation, Adobe-curated courses, video tutorials, quick answers, community insight, and instructor-led training.

Icon Experience League Events events

Experience League Events are a great place to get answers from product experts at Adobe. Here are the available events:

Schedules and events are as follows:

Experience League LIVE exl-live

Experience League LIVE is a live streaming show produced by the Experience League team. It’s a chance to connect with Adobe product experts. Learn actionable tips, tricks, and strategies you can apply with the Adobe Experience Cloud applications.

Event Date
Event Name
January 25, 2022
9 a.m. (PST)
Analyze your business across data sources
Live Video Event
Use Customer Journey Analytics to bring all your data into one place.
February 3, 2022
12 p.m. (EST)
Introducing all new Reference Demos in AEM
Live Video Event
Learn the fastest way to provision, demo, and explore features of AEM as a Cloud Service.

Past episodes are available at Experience League Live.

Community Q&A Coffee Breaks coffee

Spend an hour with a special guest and submit your questions in Experience League Communities. Get questions answers from product experts at Adobe!

Event Name
Customer Journey Analytics and the future of Analytics
January 18, 2022 @ 8am PST
Adobe Analytics, Customer Journey Analytics, Experience Platform
Forum Q&A
Post your questions in the Analytics Community for Trevor Paulsen, Group Product Manager, Adobe Analytics.
Details and registration
Adobe Target Integration with Journey Optimizer, the Adobe Target interface, and general Target topics
January 19, 2022 @ 9am PST
Adobe Target, Journey Optimizer
Forum Q&A
Spend an hour with Jon Tehero and submit your questions in the Adobe Target Community.
Details and registration

Adobe Developer’s Live dev-live

Date & Time
Adobe Developers Live
On Demand
Developers Live showcases the latest tech advances and developer tools powering design, content creation workflows, document services, and customer experience management across industries. View the keynote address, learn about Analytics APIs, client data layer, Adobe I/O open-source projects, and much more.

Icon Experience Cloud Central UI Components & Administration ecloud

Not updated in the past month.

More help resources on Experience Cloud Central UI Components & Administration

Icon Adobe System Status status

Adobe System Status provides detailed information, status updates, and email notifications about Adobe products and services outage, disruption, and maintenance events. Check it out at

Read the latest release notes for Adobe System Status.

Icon Adobe Experience Platform platform

Release update information and new documentation for Experience Platform and Mobile SDK:

  • Release: January 26, 2022

See Experience Platform release notes to read the latest.

New Experience Platform tutorials and courses tutorials-platform

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Experience Platform.

January 2022
Configure Customer AI
Learn how to create an instance of Customer AI to predict customer behavior.
January 2022
Configure Attribution AI
Learn how to create an instance of Attribution AI to understand the impact of your marketing channels and campaigns.

Adobe Mobile SDK

See Release notes and change logs for the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs.

Icon Adobe Analytics analytics

Release date: January 19, 2022

New features in Adobe Analytics aa-features

Targeted Date
See General Availability

Fixes in Adobe Analytics and Customer Journey Analytics aa-fixes

  • Fixed an Analysis Workspace issue where the Audience ID was missing from dimension items. (AN-262038; AN-279315)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from loading a saved Target project in Workspace. (AN-277461; AN-275825; AN-266397)
  • Fixed an issue where non-enabled features are visible in the UI. (AN-262006)
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when changing the date using the date field in Workspace. This resulted in the End Time changing from 11:59 PM to 12:00 AM. (AN-277269; AN-277481)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Segment UI to break when adding new segments into an already loaded segment. (AN-260827)
  • Fixed an issue with users being unable to access shared Workspace projects. (AN-267529)
  • Added an error message that shows when a rolling date range has a start date later than the end date. (AN-270488)
  • Fixed various data feeds issues. (AN-275876; AN-270512; AN-277284; AN-277290; AN-274893; AN-274606; AN-269651)
  • Fixed an issue with date ranges in graphs ignoring date filters in tables. (AN-263999)
  • Fixed an issue with scheduled reports getting sent early due to Daylight Savings Time. (AN-276410; AN-276305)
  • Fixed an issue with project download to .csv file failing in Workspace. (AN-275834)

Additional fixes in Adobe Analytics

AN-253294; AN-254976; AN-255377; AN-255561; AN-258550; AN-259336; AN-263935; AN-265094; AN-269441; AN-269486; AN-269855; AN-271166; AN-271588; AN-272088; AN-272249; AN-272859; AN-272873; AN-272885; AN-273229; AN-273913; AN-274237; AN-274472; AN-274491; AN-274619; AN-274766; AN-275248; AN-275259; AN-275271; AN-275315; AN-275388; AN-275418; AN-275597; AN-275643; AN-275650; AN-275651; AN-275675; AN-275682; AN-275704; AN-275711; AN-275796; AN-275834; AN-275923; AN-275941; AN-276044; AN-276125; AN-276157; AN-276397; AN-276597; AN-276789; AN-276834; AN-276861; AN-276870; AN-276963; AN-276975; AN-277000; AN-277044; AN-277093; AN-277200; AN-277215; AN-277271; AN-277281; AN-277362; AN-277419; AN-277492; AN-277498; AN-277533; AN-277619; AN-277675; AN-277681; AN-277767; AN-277805; AN-277810; AN-277818; AN-277875; AN-277933; AN-277988; AN-278105; AN-278115; AN-278122; AN-278192; AN-278407; AN-278437; AN-278559; AN-278604; AN-278610; AN-278709; AN-278835; AN-278849; AN-278881; AN-279067; AN-279103; AN-279111; AN-279219; AN-279237; AN-279312

Important notices for Analytics administrators aa-notices

Date Added or Updated
Expiration of allowlist EOL extension for legacy Analytics OAuth/JWT integrations
January 14, 2022
On May 25, 2022, the Analytics 1.3 API, 1.4 SOAP API, and Legacy Analytics OAuth/JWT EOL allowlist extension will expire. It was offered to provide customers using legacy Adobe Analytics OAuth/JWT credentials additional time to migrate their client integrations to Adobe IMS credentials. This expiration affects (but is not limited to) Adobe Analytics Livestream and Adobe Campaign customers who have not completed their required IMS migrations. Customers who are currently using legacy Analytics OAuth/JWT credentials via the allowlist extension and who do not complete their migration to IMS credentials by May 25, 2022 will lose access to Adobe services. Livestream customers can refer to these instructions on migrating their client applications to IMS credentials. Campaign customers can reach out to their Adobe account team about upgrading to the latest version of Campaign.
EOL for Reports & Analytics
January 4, 2022
Effective December 31, 2023, Adobe intends to discontinue Reports & Analytics and its accompanying reports and features. The reports, visualizations, and underlying technology that power Reports & Analytics no longer meet Adobe’s technology standards. Most Reports & Analytics features are available in Analysis Workspace. Since the release of Analysis Workspace in 2015, Reports & Analytics functionality and capabilities have been moved to Analysis Workspace and a threshold of workflow parity has been reached. This notice explains the end-of-life process.
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) services upgrade
January 13, 2022
On May 2, 2022, Adobe Analytics will upgrade its Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) services in order to provide improved security for file transfers. With this change, some SFTP client configurations will no longer be supported. We will also add some connection options which will available by March 1, 2022. This will only impact data sent to or retrieved from Adobe Analytics using SFTP. The FTP protocol will not be impacted. In order to avoid service disruptions, please ensure that your SFTP clients (code, tools, services) will be in accordance with the changes detailed here.
Global + China RDC Type
November 22, 2021
Global + China is a new Regional Data Collection (RDC) type that simplifies routing of traffic for global customers using the China Performance Optimization Add-On Package. In the past, you had to determine whether data should be routed to the China collection endpoint or one of the Global collection endpoints. Now you can choose this RDC type to let Adobe determine the optimal collection endpoint based on the geolocation of the user.
EOL for Full Processing in Data Sources
October 18, 2021
On January 31, 2022, Adobe will end of life Full Processing, which enables users to ingest offline hit data into Analytics. This capability is available via Bulk Data Insertion API. Learn more

AppMeasurement appm

For the latest updates on AppMeasurement releases (Version 2.22.4), please refer to AppMeasurement for JavaScript release notes.

New Analytics tutorials and courses tutorials-analytics

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Analytics.

January 2022
Analytics Fundamentals for Business Users has been retired
Learn why the original course was retired and about the new replacement courses Adobe recommends.
January 2022
Media Playback Time Spent Panel
Learn how the Media Playback Time Spent Panel enables media users to understand their viewership by the amount of time viewed during the day over a chosen granularity.
January 2022
Customer Segmentation Strategies & Best Practices In Adobe Analytics
Join the analytics insiders for an Analytics Thursday focused on customer segmentation basics, strategies, and best practices.
January 2022
Configure Paid Search Detection
Learn how to walk through the configuration of the Paid Search Detection section in the Adobe Analytics Admin Console, including some recommendations.
January 2022
Configuring List Variables
Learn how and why you configure and use list variables in Adobe Analytics. List variables enable you to put more than one value into an eVar.
January 2022
Configuring Traffic Variables (props)
Learn about configuration of traffic variables, also known as props, in the Analytics Admin Console.
January 2022
Manipulating incoming data with Processing Rules
Learn about Processing Rules in Adobe Analytics and what you can use them for. Get a few tips, examples, and even a warning about using Processing Rules.
January 2022
Using Segments as Dimensions in Analysis Workspace
Updated video
Learn how to compare and visualize segments by using them as a dimension in Analysis Workspace.
January 2022
Segment Management and Sharing in Adobe Analytics
Updated video
In this updated video, learn some tips for sharing and managing your segments.
January 2022
Using segments to limit data in Analysis Workspace
Updated video
Learn how you can limit users of a project in Analysis Workspace to a specific segment (or segments) as they are working with the tool.
January 2022
Segment Comparison in Analysis Workspace
Updated video
Learn how Segment IQ, part of Analysis Workspace in Adobe Analytics, simplifies analysis by examining any two Analytics segments across all of your dimensions and metrics to automatically discover their most statistically significant differences.

Analytics help resources

Customer Journey Analytics cja

Release Date: January 19, 2022

New features in Customer Journey Analytics cust-journey

Targeted Date
Persistence options for binding dimensions and binding metrics
When creating or editing a data view, you can bind the persistence of a dimension to another dimension or metric. This concept is known as merchandising in Reports & Analytics, and is now supported in CJA. Learn more
January 19, 2022
First Known and Last Known allocation models
These two new allocation models take the first or last observed value for a dimension within a specified persistence scope (session, person, or custom time period with look-back.) Then they apply the allocation model to all events within the specified scope. Learn more
January 19, 2022
PersonID and PersonID namespace as dimensions
Exposes the personID (or customerID, or whatever ID you are using for merging data sets in a connection) as a dimension in data views. This enhancement makes it easier for you to include the personID as a dimension in your data view by pulling it in from the connection. Learn more
January 19, 2022

See General Availability for release information.

Analytics help resources

Icon Audience Manager aam

Fixes and improvements in Audience Manager.

  • Resolved an issue causing all API calls to return an Undocumented error when being performed through the Swagger interface. (AAM-59190)
  • Resolved an issue causing incorrect user roles to be assigned to partners in some situations. (AAM-59451)
  • Resolved an issue causing the API to require case-sensitive authentication headers. (AAM-58528)

Icon Adobe Experience Manager aem

Adobe recommends visiting the Experience Manager release updates and roadmaps page to stay current on release information.

Experience Manager product releases

  • Experience Manager as a Cloud Service

    Watch the December 2021 Release Overview video for a summary of the features added in the 2021.11.0 (November 2021) release.

    • October 2021 Release Overview video of new features.

    • September 2021 Release Overview video of new features.

    • Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service

      New feature

      • Dynamic Media Image Smart Crop and Swatch is now powered by latest Sensei services, which generates improved crops and swatches. Also, an enhancement has been launched to generate different crop content for same aspect ratio but across different resolutions. In addition, any manual edits are preserved on reprocessing if there is no change in the width and height in the Image Profile.

      New features in Experience Manager Assets prerelease channel

      • Dynamic Media - You can now use Experience Manager Dynamic Media interface to configure General Settings and Publish Setup instead of having to go through the Dynamic Media Classic desktop application.
      • Dynamic Media now supports ingestion, preview, playback, and publish for MXF videos. Annotation and shoppable video for MXF videos is not yet supported.
      • After configuring a connection between remote DAM and Sites deployments, the assets on remote DAM are made available on the Sites deployment. You can now perform the update, delete, rename, and move operations on remote DAM assets or folders. The updates, with some delay, are available automatically on the Sites deployment.
    • Experience Manager Forms as a Cloud Service

      New feature

      • Externalize Experience Manager Workflow data for secure processing: You can store in-process Experience Manager Workflows data (Experience Manager Workflow Variables data) that contains SPD (Sensitive Personal Data) elements in a customer-managed repository for secure processing. The data elements and workflow variables are not stored in Experience Manager repository and are fetched on demand from a customer-managed repository while processing the Workflow.

      New features in Experience Manager Forms prerelease channel

      • AEM Forms as a Cloud Service - Communications: Communication APIs help you combine a template and XML data to generate print documents in various formats. With the service, you can generate documents in synchronous and batch modes. The APIs let you create applications to do the following:

        • Generate documents by populating template files (PDF and XDP) with XML data.
        • Generate output forms in various formats, including non-interactive PDF print streams.
      • Custom fonts for Document of Record and PDF documents created with Communications APIs: You can now use brand approved fonts in PDF documents generated using Communications APIs to align with your organizational requirements.

      • Forms Portal: You can use Forms Portal to list your published adaptive forms on an Experience Manager Sites page. It helps a site visitor discover all available forms. Moreover, the visitor can use Forms Portal to save and access draft of an adaptive form and look at the PDF version of a submitted adaptive form.

    • Cloud Manager

      New features

      • Users can now use new Front End Pipelines to exclusively deploy front-end code in an accelerated manner. See Cloud Manager Front End Pipelines to learn more.

        note important
        You must be on Experience Manager version 2021.10.5933.20211012T154732Z or higher to use new Front-End Pipelines.
      • Code Quality pipeline duration is reduced by performing the code analysis in a more efficient way without the need for building a whole Experience Manager image. This change is rolling out progressively over the coming weeks following the release.

      • The Git Commit ID is now displayed in the pipeline run details making it easier to track the code that was built.

      • Program Creation is now available by way of the publicly exposed API.

      • Environment Creation is now available via publicly exposed API.

      • The x-request-id response header is now visible in the API Playground on This header is useful when submitting customer care issues for troubleshooting.

      • A new Activity page is available where activities like pipeline and code runs can be viewed along with their associated details. Over time, the activities listed in this page expand in scope along with the details provided.

      • A new Pipelines page with a status popover for easy view of the summary of details is now available. You can view Pipeline runs along with their associated details.

      • The Edit Pipeline API now supports changing the environment used in the deploy phases.

      • An optimization in the OakPal scanning process is now available for large packages.

      • The quality issue CSV file now contains the timestamp for each quality issue.


New Experience Manager courses and tutorials tutorials-aem

New videos, tutorials, and courses published over the past month.

January 2022
Extending Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service using Adobe Developer App Builder
Video (multiple)
The new Adobe Developer App Builder provides an extensibility framework for a developer to easily extend AEM as a Cloud Service functionality.
AEM as a Cloud Service
January 2022
AEM Headless quick setup for AEM as a Cloud Service
Have a look at the AEM Headless quick setup. It gets you hands-on with AEM Headless using content from the WKND Site sample project, and a sample React App (a SPA) that consumes the content over AEM Headless GraphQL APIs.
AEM as a Cloud Service
January 2022
Advanced networking
Video (multiple)
Learn how AEM as a Cloud Service provides three options for managing connectivity with external services: Flexible port egress, dedicated egress IP address, and virtual private network. A Cloud Manager program and environments in AEM as a Cloud Service can use only a single type of advanced networking configuration at a time.
AEM as a Cloud Service
January 2022
Enrich Product Data with Associated AEM Content
Learn how marketers can enrich product data with associated content from Adobe Experience Manager. Content, like assets, Experience Fragments, and Content Fragments in AEM can be associated with commerce products.
AEM as a Cloud Service
January 2022
Email service
Send emails from AEM as a Cloud Service by configuring AEM’s DefaultMailService to use advanced networking egress ports.
AEM as a Cloud Service
January 2022
Workfront enhanced connector basics
Learn about the basics of the Adobe Workfront and Experience Manager Assets enhanced connector. Also learn about Project folders.
AEM Assets Service and Workfront
January 2022
Getting Started with AEM Sites - Quick Site Creation
Video (multiple)
Learn how to use a low-code approach to create your first site in Adobe Experience Manager with Quick Site Creation and a pre-defined Site Template.
AEM Sites
January 2022
HTTP/HTTPS connections on non-standard ports for flexible port egress
Video (multiple)
Learn how HTTP/HTTPS connections on non-standard ports (not 80/443) must be proxied out of AEM as a Cloud Service.
AEM as a Cloud Service
January 2022
Add icons to indicate active and completed tabs
Learn how to display icons to indicate the status of the tab when you have adaptive form with left tab navigation.
AEM Forms
January 2022
Adobe Asset Link setup
Bring quick impact to your organization, by making it easier for creative and marketing teams to collaborate on assets in the content creation process.
AEM Assets
January 2022
Getting started with AEM Commerce as a Cloud Service
Learn how marketers can enrich product data with associated content from Adobe Experience Manager. Content, like assets, Experience Fragments, and Content Fragments in AEM can be associated with commerce products.
AEM as a Cloud Service
January 2022
Getting Started with AEM Sites - Quick Site Creation
Learn how to use a low-code approach to create your first site in Adobe Experience Manager with Quick Site Creation and a pre-defined Site Template.
AEM Sites
January 2022
Enrich Product Data with Associated AEM Content
Learn how marketers can enrich product data with associated content from Adobe Experience Manager. Content, like assets, Experience Fragments, and Content Fragments in AEM can be associated with commerce products.
AEM as a Cloud Service

Experience Manager release information

All Experience Manager release notes are maintained at the following pages:

Other Help resources for Experience Manager

Experience Manager Guides xml-doc

Experience Manager Guides is an application deployed onto AEM. It is a powerful, enterprise-grade component content management solution (CCMS) which enables native DITA support in Adobe Experience Manager, empowering AEM to handle DITA-based content creation and delivery. Learn more about XML Documentation for AEM.

New tutorials for Experience Manager Guides tutorials-xml-doc

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Experience Manager Guides.

January 2022
XML Documentation Releases
Learn about Experience Manager Guides, a powerful, enterprise-grade component content management solution (CCMS). It enables native DITA support in Adobe Experience Manager, empowering AEM to handle DITA-based content creation and delivery.
January 2022
Output Generation with XML Documentation for AEM
Videos and articles
Learn about the Map Dashboard, reports, publishing with baselines and conditions, and more.

Icon Adobe Commerce magento

See the following links for Adobe Commerce release notes:

New Adobe Commerce tutorials tutorials-commerce

January 2022
Business Intelligence
Video (multiple)
Begin with the overview and learn all about Business Intelligence, a complete solution that has been optimized for all Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source merchants.
January 2022
Users, roles, and permissions
Learn how to create a separate user account for each user and assign restricted access based on their business needs.
January 2022
Two-factor authentication
Learn how two-factor authentication (2FA) prevents unauthorized access to your data. Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source support two-factor authentication methods from multiple providers.
January 2022
Add websites, stores, and store views
Learn how every Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source installation supports a hierarchy of websites, stores, and store views. Build and expand this hierarchy according to the needs of your business.
January 2022
Change a store URL
Learn how to change the base URL for your store. (The content in the video reflects the 2.1.0 release.)
January 2022
Set up a store site map
Learn how to easily add a site map to your Commerce store.
January 2022
Promotional price rules
Learn how to set up product relationships and use price rules to trigger discounts based on various conditions.
January 2022
Create a Page
Learn how to create a page that returns JSON with one parameter.
January 2022
Add a JavaScript module
Learn about developing a simple JS module that provides the greeting “Hello World”.
January 2022
Page Builder overview
Learn how Page Builder makes it easy to create content-rich pages with custom layouts that enhance your visual storytelling, and drive customer engagement and loyalty.
January 2022
Add a table to a database
Learn about the special mechanism in Commerce that enables you to create database tables, modify existing ones, and add data into them, such as setup data, which has to be added when a module is installed.
January 2022
Create a module
Module is a structural element of Commerce – the whole system is built upon modules. Typically, the first step in creating a customization is building a module.
January 2022
Create a product attribute
Learn how to add a product attribute, which is one of the most popular operations in Commerce. Attributes are a powerful way to solve many practical tasks related to a product.
January 2022
Dependency injection example
Learn about dependency injection, a design pattern that allows an object A to declare its dependencies to an external object B that supplies those dependencies. The dependencies declared by A are usually class interfaces and the dependencies B provides are concrete implementations for those interfaces.

Icon Adobe Target target

Last Updated: February 1, 2022

Icon Adobe Campaign ac

Adobe Campaign provides an intuitive, automated way to deliver one-to-one messages across online and offline marketing channels. You can now anticipate what your clients want using experiences determined by their habits and preferences.

Latest Campaign product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes released:

New Campaign tutorials and courses tutorials-campaign

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Campaign.

January 2022
Deploy an ad hoc email delivery template
Learn how to deploy an ad hoc email delivery template and it explains the difference between an email delivery and a delivery workflow.
Campaign v8
January 2022
Set delivery template properties
Learn how to set delivery template properties and explains each property in detail.
Campaign v8
January 2022
Configure approvals for campaigns
Learn how to configure approvals and reviewers at the campaign level.
Campaign v8
January 2022
Create an approval process within a workflow
Learn how to create an approval process within a workflow to allow the targeting selection logic to be reviewed and approved before the delivery is launched.
Campaign v8
January 2022
Configure approvals for deliveries
Learn how to configure approvals and reviewers at the delivery level.
Campaign v8
January 2022
API staging mechanism with FFDA
Learn how the API staging mechanism with full FDA works. Understand why staging is used, the main principles of staging in Adobe Campaign and how to activate the staging mechanism for a custom table.
Campaign v8

Campaign help resources

Icon Adobe Journey Optimizer journey-opt

With Journey Optimizer, you can manage scheduled omnichannel campaigns and one-to-one moments for millions of customers from a single application — and the entire journey is optimized with intelligent decisioning and insights.

Latest Journey Optimizer product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Optimizer Release Notes.

More resources for Journey Optimizer

Icon Adobe Journey Orchestration journey-orch

Use Experience Platform to orchestrate a customer’s journey at scale across experience channels, by intelligently anticipating every individual’s needs in real time.

Latest Journey Orchestration product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Orchestration release notes.

More resources for Journey Orchestration

Icon Adobe Marketo Engage marketo

Marketo Engage is a complete application for lead management and B2B marketers looking to transform customer experiences by engaging across every stage of complex buying journeys.

Core Marketo Engage updates

See Marketo Engage release schedule for the latest release schedule information and release notes.

Icon Adobe Workfront workfront

Adobe Workfront is a unified work management application for sharing ideas, creating content, managing complex processes, and doing their best work.

See the Workfront releases page for a round-up of the latest information for all products.

Icon Adobe Advertising Cloud adcloud

Release notes for Adobe Advertising Cloud.

New features across Advertising Cloud adcloud-all

Last updated: October 27, 2021

Analytics for Advertising Cloud
If your organization wants to switch from using the legacy Adobe Analytics visitorAPI.js library to the Adobe Experience Platform library (alloy.js) for data collection, you must make some changes to enable ID stitching. See Using the Last Event Service JavaScript Library with Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK.

New features in Advertising Cloud DSP adcloud-dsp

Last updated: October 27, 2021

Custom Reports
You can now create and manage Amazon S3 and different types of FTP delivery locations, called report destinations, for your custom reports. Once you configure report destinations, you can set up each of your new custom reports to be delivered to one or more locations of a single destination type, or to email recipients. Updates to your Amazon S3 and FTP credentials won’t interrupt report delivery.

Your existing reports are still sent to the specified email recipients. To configure delivery to a different report destination, create a report with the new destination.
Packages, Placements, and Ads views
When you view data for a single day, the trend charts now include hourly data. Hold the cursor over any point to see the data for that hour.
The placement Inspector now includes an Inventory tab, which shows all deals and their associated metrics for the placement. Use the information to make quick adjustments or troubleshoot issues without generating a custom report.
(Users with permission to include Clearcastclock numbers in their ads) DSP no longer shows an error if you use a clock number that’s attached to another ad. Note: The best practice is to use a unique clock number for each video ad. Otherwise, the publisher does not approve all the ads.
Deal IDs

The Deal ID settings and other places in the user interface reflect new branding for Magnite SSP:

  • The SSP Tremor (Telaria) is now Magnite CTV.
  • In the coming weeks, Rubicon will change to Magnite DV+, where DV+ stands for display, video, and other formats such as audio.
Freewheel programmatically guaranteed deals
You can now find the status of ads for Freewheel programmatically guaranteed deals from the Ads view. Previously, you could check the status only from the Deals view.

Last updated: February 4, 2022

Bulksheets, Notification Center
(January 22 release) All email notifications for bulksheets, which Advertising Cloud Search sends when a bulksheet operation completed or failed, are now handled by Notification Center.

Bulksheets is a new notification type, with its own notification preferences, in Notification Center. Email notifications and web notifications are enabled by default, but you can optionally change the notification settings.

The format and contents of email notifications uses the Notification Center template and includes a direct download link for the associated bulksheet file or error file.

New Advertising Cloud tutorials tutorials-ad-cloud

January 2022
Advertising Cloud Tutorials
Five new video tutorials about Advertising Cloud DSP are available.

Icon Adobe Document Cloud doc-cloud

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Document Cloud.

New Document Cloud courses and tutorials tutorials-doc-cloud

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Campaign.

January 2022
Enhance your PDF
In this hands-on tutorial, learn how to transform your PDF by adding graphic enhancements and automatic numbering.
January 2022
Work smarter with Acrobat DC and Microsoft® 365
Discover powerful PDF tools inside Microsoft® 365 and Acrobat DC to replace outdated, broken document workflows. Learn how to automate manual document processes to avoid delays and mistakes, improve security and productivity, and deliver exceptional customer and employee experiences—all within the Microsoft® and Acrobat tools you already use.

For Document Cloud help, see:

Icon Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise creative-cloud

See Creative Cloud for enterprise tutorials for the latest tutorials.
