Configure file auto-save in the Web Editor id199CC0J0M5Z

One of the most common features in the browser-based editor it the ability to save data after a specific period of time. The AEM Guides’ Web Editor also supports auto-saving of topic and map files at the specified time interval. When this feature is triggered, the working copy of the topic or map is saved. A new version of the topic or map is not created. To create a new version, you have to click the Save Revision icon in the Web Editor’s toolbar.

The auto-save feature is not enabled by default and you need to enable this from the configMgr. Perform the following steps to enable the auto-save feature in the Web Editor:

  1. Open the Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration page.

    The default URL to access the configuration page is:

    code language-http
    http://<server name>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
  2. Search for and click on the com.adobe.fmdita.xmleditor.config.XmlEditorConfig bundle.

  3. In the XmlEditorConfig settings, select the Auto Save option.

  4. In the Auto Save Interval field, specify the time interval in seconds to trigger the auto-save feature.

  5. Click Save.

Parent topic:Customize Web Editor
