External Datasource Integration for AEM Guides: How it works?

Many enterprise customers have data distributed across multiple databases, but there is often a need to have the data integrated within AEM guides as a single source from where the data can be processed.
Adobe Experience Manager Guides now include out-of-the-box connectors to external data sources — including JIRA, PIMs, SQL Data Bases, and PLMs making it a true Content Hub.

Session recording


  • Date - December 14, 2023
  • Number of attendees - 80
  • Duration - 60 minutes
  • Audience - Customers, partners, and Adobe employees

Key takeaways

In this session, you learnt about following:

  • An overview of data sources and their usage with AEM Guides

  • How to setup the connection for various data sources

    • Use of Velocity tools in the data source templates
    • Work with mapping templates
  • View the data pulled from the connector via web-editor

  • Utilizing the pulled content in authored content

    • Create a topic using the topic generator
    • Insert a content snippet from your data source
  • End-to-end working demo of integration of AEM guides

    • update release notes on the website and PDF as changes available in JIRA
The features shown in this session are available on following versions of AEM Guides:
  • December 2023 (for cloud)
  • 4.3.1 (for non-cloud)

Contact us

For any queries, send us an email at techcomm@adobe.com
