Add new custom actionable button in webeditor toolbar

In this article we will learn how add a new custom button in webeditor toolbar and call javascript to perform desired custom operation.

Adding a actionable button to webeditor involves following steps:

  • Adding the button in the ui_config.json at the position where it is needed
  • Registering the button on-click event in the webeditor for user to perform an action when they click it

Implementing by taking an example

Let us understand this with an example where a author wants to add a jira reference to a topic prolog section. The prolog section with embedded jira reference-id may look like below:

Prolog section with JIRA ID reference

The “change-request-id” element that contains the JIRA ID should be retrieved from the API (lets say based on a specific JIRA query which is depicted by application). When the user is authoring the prolog section, user should be able to click a button and insert a jira reference id from web-editor toolbar, something like:

Prolog section - add JIRA reference

And when the user clicks the button, it should show a dialog which should pull the possible options and allow the user to select the desired JIRA ID, something like:

Prolog section add JIRA ID dialog

which should then add the “change-request-id” to the prolog:

Prolog section with JIRA ID reference

Implementing this

Add the button in webeditor by configuring it in ui_config.json

Use the folder profiles to check the ui_config.json under the “XML Editor Configuration” tab and add the button configuration JSON into the desired section of the “toolbar” group

    "title":"Insert JIRA Reference"

use this link to learn more about Folder profile and configuring ui_config.json

Handle the on-click event for the new button

NOTE: Steps mentioned below are available as package attached in this post
  • After saving the folder profile create a “cq:ClientLibraryFolder” under a project directory (could be under /apps) and add properties as shown in the screenshot below:
    Client library settings for webeditor
This example uses "coralui3" library to show a dialog as it is used in the Javascript sample we presented.
You may use different library of your choice.
  • Under this client library folder create two files as mentioned below:

    • overrides.js: which will have the javascript code to handle the on-click event for “insertJIRARef” (use attached package to get the content of this javascript)
    • js.txt: which will include the “overrides.js” to enable this javascript
  • Save the changes and you should be ready to test.


  • Open web-editor
  • From user preferences choose the folder profile in which you added the custom ui_config.json. If you added it to the Global profile then you are probably already using that.
  • Open a topic, you will notice the toolbar having a new button “Insert Jira Reference”
  • You can then add prolog section as given below to the topic and try clicking in “Insert Jira Reference” button inside the prolog element “change-request-reference”

Refer screenshot below to know how it will look like:

Test new button


Please note this is compatible to AEM 6.5 and AEM Guides version 4.2.
If you are using a different version please add the toolbar button to the ui_config.json manually.