Upload existing DITA content id176FF000JUI

Most likely you would have a repository of existing DITA content that you would like to use with the AEM Guides. For such existing content, you can use any of the supported methods explained in Add digital assets to Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service Assets.

Configure UUID filename pattern

When you import content, it is not necessary that your file names will be based on the UUID. In a system that uses UUID-based file names, it is mandatory that all files are referred using their UUIDs rather than their original file names. If an imported file doesn’t have UUID-based file names, you can configure the system to add a UUID to their file property. This UUID is then used to refer such files where UUID is not used for naming the files.

Use the instructions given in Configuration overrides to create the configuration file. In the configuration file, provide the following (property) details to configure UUID filename pattern:

Property Key
Property Value
String specifying the regex for UUID filename pattern.
If a file doesn’t follow the specified pattern, a UUID is added to the file’s property and all references to the file are updated with the UUID assigned to the file.
Default value: "^GUID-(?<id>.*)"

Use curl commands

You can also use curl commands to create a folder in DAM, upload files, and add metadata on the uploaded content.

Create a folder

Run the following command to create a folder in AEM repository:

curl --user <username>:<password> --data jcr:primaryType=sling:Folder "<server folder path>"

Specify the following parameters to create a folder:

  • <username>:<passowrd>: Specify the user name and password to access the AEM repository. This user must have the folder creation privileges.

  • jcr:primaryType=sling:Folder: Specify this parameter as is to create a folder type resource.

  • <server folder path>: Complete folder path including the name of the new folder that you want to create in the AEM repository. For example, if you specify the path as, then the folder AEM-Guides is created within the projects folder in DAM.

Upload a file

Run the following command to upload a file in the AEM repository:

curl --user <username>:<password> -T "<local file path>" "<server folder path>"

Specify the following parameters to upload a file:

  • <username>:<passowrd>: Specify the user name and password to access the AEM repository. This user must have write privileges on the server folder path.

  • local file path: Complete file path on your local system that you want to upload.

  • <server folder path>: Complete folder path on the AEM server where you want to upload the file.

Add metadata

Run the following command to add metadata on a file:

curl --user <username>:<password> -F<attribute name>=<value> <metadata node path>

Specify the following parameters to add metadata information:

  • <username>:<passowrd>: Specify the user name and password to access the AEM repository. This user must have write privileges on the metadata node path.

  • -F<attribute name>=<value>: The <attribute name> is the name of the metadata attribute, such as audience and the <value> could be internal. You can specify multiple attribute name-value pairs separated by space.

  • <metadata node path>: Complete folder path including the file name and its metadata node. For example, if you specify the path as, then the specified metadata information is set on intro.xml file.

Parent topic:Migrate existing content
