Customising the review app

To ease the customisation of the review app we have provided some hooks listed and explained below:


  • id: review_comment
  • hook:'updateExtraProps'):

As discussed here, any new attribute added during customisation goes under this.model.extraProps. The method updateExtraProps allows you to add attributes to a review comment, handling the updation and storage of the added attribute on the server as well.

Usage Example

Say for example, you want to add fields commentRationale and severity to your comments.
Let us update the commentRationale to “This is an important sentence.” and the severity to “CRITICAL”.
This can be done using the syntax:'updateExtraProps', {
    'commentRationale': 'This is an important sentence.',
    'severity': 'CRITICAL'

The above code snippet will handle the updation and saving of the values. The saved values can be rendered on the UI by defining the view.

    "component" : "label",
    "label": "@extraProps.commentRationale"

Inline review panel

  • id: inline_review_panel
  1. hook: onNewCommentEvent
    The hook onNewCommentEvent allows you to throw an event or call a method on a new comment or reply event.
    The args received in the onNewCommentEvent include:

    • events: the comment/reply event that was dispatched.
    • newComment: boolean
      If the event dispatched was a new comment event, i.e. highlight, insertion, deletion, sticky note comment
    • newReply: boolean
      If the event dispatched was a new reply event.
  2. hook: sendExtraProps

This hook is beneficial if you want to extend an event and send extraProps from the inline review panel. We will explain the usage of these two hooks below.

Inline Review Panel Example

Say we want to send an extraProp, userInfo, everytime a new comment or reply is dispatched. Now this will be done via the inline review panel, however we do not have the reference to the commentId of the newly generated comment, hence to achieve this we can write the following code.

      const events = _.get(args, "events")
      const currTopicIndex = tcx.model.getValue(tcx.model.KEYS.REVIEW_CURR_TOPIC) || this.getValue('currTopicIndex') || "0"
      const event = _.get(_.get(events, currTopicIndex), '0')
      const newComment = _.get(args, 'newComment')
      const newReply = _.get(args, 'newReply')
      if ((newComment || newReply) && event) {'setUserInfo', event)

In the above code snippet, we are checking if the dispatched event was a new comment or reply. In case of a new comment or reply, we are calling the method setUserInfo

    const getUserInfo = (userId) => {
      return $.ajax({
        url: '/bin/dxml/xmleditor/userinfo',
        data: {
          username: userId,
        success: (data) => {
          return data

    setUserInfo(event) {
      getUserInfo(event.user).done(userData => {
        const extraProps = {
          "userFirstName": userData?.givenName || '',
          "userLastName": userData?.familyName || '',
          "userTitle": userData?.title || '',
          "userJobTitle": userData?.jobTitle || '',
          'userEmail': userData?.email || '',
        const data = {... event, extraProps}

In the above method, we are extending the event to send extraProps which include the user’s first name, email, title etc. Extending the event this way ensures that the extraProps are sent with the correct commentId, ensuring that they are attached to the right comment.

The hook updateExtraProps inherently calls the hook sendExtraProps, so when to use what?

We use updateExtraProps in the review_comment controller, which already has the comment’s id and hence you just need to mention the extraProps.

The inline_review_panel however does not have the access to the comment’s id, hence anytime you need to dispatch an event from the inline review panel, the sendExtraProps will be handy.
