Configure prompt to save as a new version on close id222HBI00XXA

When the user tries to close a file that is opened in the Web Editor using the Close button on the file’s tab or the Close option in the Options menu, a dialog appears if the file has unsaved data or an unsaved version. The user is prompted to save the file as a new version if the version is not saved.

The Save as a New Version checkbox is not enabled by default and you need to enable this from the configMgr. Perform the following steps to enable the option by default in the Web Editor:

  1. Open the Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration page.

    The default URL to access the configuration page is:

    code language-http
    http://<server name>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
  2. Search for and click on the com.adobe.fmdita.xmleditor.config.XmlEditorConfig bundle.

  3. Select the Ask for new version on close option.

  4. Click Save.

When this option is selected, the Save as a New Version checkbox is selected by default in the dialog box.

For more details, see File close and save scenarios section in the Using Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service guide.

Parent topic:Customize Web Editor
