Open DITA topic or map files in same tab id223HH0301J3
In some workflows, when you click on a link of a topic or a map file, it opens in a new tab. This could lead to many tabs opened in your browser, which could impact your productivity. You can change this behavior of opening a topic or map file in a new tab, and force it open in the current tab itself.
Use the instructions given in Configuration overrides to create the configuration file. In the configuration file, provide the following (property) details to open a topic or map file in a new tab:
Default value:
This setting impacts the following places from where you can access the topic or map files:
Create DITA Topic (at the end of the workflow, when you click the Open Topic button)
Create DITA Map (at the end of the workflow, when you click the Open Map button)
Topics tab in the DITA map console
Baselines tab in the DITA map console
Reports tab in the DITA map console
Parent topic:Customize Web Editor