Configure allowed special characters id20CIL600035

The Web Editor allows you to insert some special characters out-of-the-box. However, you can customize the list of special characters that your authors can insert in their documents. If you customize the special characters list, then it overwrites the default set of special characters. Only those special characters that you add in your configuration are made available to the authors.

Perform the following steps to overwrite the default list of special characters:

  1. Log into AEM and open the CRXDE Lite mode.

  2. create symbols.json file at the following location:

    code language-json
  3. Add the special character definition in the symbols.json file as:

    code language-json
    {"symbols": [{"label": "Arrows",
       "items": [
       {   "name": "←",   "title": "Left Arrow"   }
       {   "name": "↑",   "title": "Up Arrow"      }
       }   ]   }

The structure of the symbols.json file is explained below:

  • "label": "Arrows": This specifies the category for the special characters. In the snippet, a category with the name "Arrows" is defined.

  • "items": This defines the collection of special characters in the category.

  • "name": "←", "title": "Left Arrow": This is the definition of the special character. It starts off with the "name" label, which must not be changed. The name is followed by the special character. The "title" is the name or title of the special character that appears as the tooltip for that special character.

    You can define multiple definitions of special characters within a category.

Parent topic:Customize Web Editor
