Auto-generate element IDs id20CIL40016I

AEM Guides generates a document ID for any new document that you create. For example, when you create a DITA map, an ID like map.ditamap_random_digits is assigned to the map’s ID. You can also define elements on which an ID is automatically generated and assigned.

AEM Guides provides easy configuration settings wherein you need to define the elements on which an ID is auto-generated and a pattern for the ID. By default, some elements like section, table, ul, ol, are configured for auto-generation of ID. You can add other elements to this list so that whenever these elements are inserted in a document, AEM Guides generates and assigns an ID based on the given pattern

Use the instructions given in Configuration overrides to create the configuration file. In the configuration file, provide the following (property) details to configure auto-generated element IDs:

Property Key
Property Value
Specify a comma separated list of elements.
Default value: "topic, section, table, simpletable, fig, image, ul, ol"

To configure a pattern for auto-generated ID create a configuration file with the following properties:

Property Key
Property Value
The default value for this field is set to ${elementName}_${id}. The ${elementName} value is replaced with the name of the element. The ${id} variable generates sequential number for the element. For example, if you assign the paragraph element to have auto-generated IDs, then the first paragraph in the topic or document will get an ID like p_1, the next paragraph will get p_2, and so on. However, in a different document, the ID generation process restarts. This means that in a different document, IDs like p_1 and p_2 can be assigned to paragraph elements. Default value: ${elementName}_${id}

Parent topic:Customize Web Editor
