Configure custom DITA map template id1774F04F05Z

AEM Guides comes with two out-of-the-box map templates — DITA map and Bookmap. You can create maps based on these templates; or, you can define your own map templates that can then be used to create new maps.

Perform the following steps to add your custom map templates:

  1. Log into Adobe Experience Manager as an administrator.

  2. In the Assets UI, navigate to the folder configured to store the map template files. By default, all map templates are stored in the /content/dam/dita-templates/maps folder.

    note note
    To configure a custom location to store topic or map templates, see Configure custom DITA template folder path
  3. Click Create > DITA Template.

  4. On the Blueprint page, select the type of the map template that you want to create.

    note note
    You can use the Map or Bookmap template as the base for your new template.
  5. Click Next.

  6. On the new template Properties page, enter a Title and Name for the template.

    note note
    The name is automatically suggested based on the Title of your template. If you want to manually specify the name, then ensure that the Name does not contain any spaces, apostrophe, or braces and ends with .ditamap.
  7. Click Create.

    The Map Created message appears.

    You can choose to open the template for editing in the Map Editor, or save the template file in the template store location. Once the template is created, you can use the Map Editor to customize the template as per your authoring needs. Once a template is in place, ensure that you associate it either with a global or folder-level profile.

Next time you create a new map, your template shows up in the Blueprint page. For more information about creating a DITA map, see the Using Adobe Experience Manager Guides.

See the Custom templates section in the Best practices guide for best practices around using custom map templates.

Parent topic: Configure topic and map templates
