Jui Framework
Before going into how to write extensions we’ll understand the arcitecture of the framework.
So that we may extend it effectively.
JUI is a MVC framework on top of React and Adobe React Spectrum components. JUI is JSON User Interface. It consists of multiple git repositories.
JUI-Core is the core library with all logic to convert JSON config to working react components and link it with a relevant controller class instance.
JUI-React-Spectrum library has wrapper widgets of Adobe React Spectrum components
JUI Core Design
MVC UI Design
- Has a unique ID.
- Has an individual JSON file for view.
- Can have an own or shared Controller.
- Can use parent model or new model.
- Can have UI elements(React Components)
- Can have other widgets
- App is a Widgets
- Is an HTML/React Component.
- Does not have any model, its uses parent widget model.
Event Handler
- Next(eventOpts)
- To trigger event with some opts
- Subscribe(callback)
- Get notification that event is fired with configuration
App/Global Model
Next(new value)
- To publish new value
- To get notification for value changed
- First time get old value
- To get current value
- It should be extended from Controller class
- APIs
- CreateModel
- To create child widget separate model
- InitEventHandler
- To create child widget separate event handler
- RegisterCommands
- To Register local, parent or app events
- Next(eventName, eventHandler)
- To trigger event of child widget event handler, parent widget event handler or app event handler
- Subscribe(callback, eventHandler)
- SubscribeAppModel(callback)
Sample App design