REST API for creating and activating packages id198CF0260Y4
The following REST API allows you to create and activate CRX packages.
Create and activate package
A POST method that creates and activates CRX package.
Request URL:
http://<aem-guides-server>: <port-number>/bin/fmdita/activate
The request query consists of the JSON rules string. The content type of the POST request must be set to application/json; charset=UTF-8
The following example shows the API call using the curl command:
curl -u <*username*>:<*password*> -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -k -X POST -d "{[JSON rules string](}" http://<*aem-guides-server*>:<*port-number*>/bin/fmdita/activate
Optional parameter
Valid values
or publish
for Cloud Service and publish
for On-premise Software
For Cloud Service, if the parameter contains an invalid value, then the package activation fails.
For On-premise Software, if the parameter contains an invalid value, the error is logged, and publishing is done using the default value,
If you do nto define the optional parameter, activationTarget
, it activates using the default publish agent for both Cloud Service and On-premise Software.
The following example shows the API call using the curl command with optional parameter:
curl -u <*username*>:<*password*> -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -k -X POST -d "{[JSON rules string](}" http://<*aem-guides-server*>:<*port-number*>/bin/fmdita/activate?activationTarget=`<validActivationTargetValue>`