Installing and Using the AEM Guides Extension Package

Extensions give you the opportunity to customise your AEM Guides app to better suit your needs. This extension framework is supported with AEM Guides v4.3 onwards (on-prem) and 2310 (cloud).


This package requires git bash and npm


The easiest way to bootstrap AEM Guides framework installation is through cli

npx @adobe/create-guides-extension

Adding customisation code

  1. Add code files for each component you want to extend in the src/ directory. Some sample files have already been added for you.

  2. Now in the index.ts file located in the src/ directory :

    • Import the .ts files with the customisations you want to add in your build.
    • Add the imports to window.extension
    • Register the customised component’s id and corresponding import to tcx extensions
    • Refer to the sample /src/index.ts

Building the customised code

  • Run npm run build in the root directory. You will get 3 files in the directory, dist/:

    • build.css
    • guides-extension.js
    • guides-extension.umd.cjs

Build Output

Adding the customisation to AEM

  • Go to CRXDE crx/de/index.jsp#/
  • Under the apps folder, make a new node of the type cq:ClientLibraryFolder

Folder structure

  • In the properties of the node, select Multi add the following property
    Name: categories
    Type: String []
    Value: apps.fmdita.review_overrides, apps.fmdita.xml_editor.page_overrides

Folder properties

  • To add the built js, create a new file, say, tcx1.js in the above created node. Here, add the code from dist/guides-extension.umd.cjs or dist/guides-extension.js. Now create a new file js.txt, here we add the name of our js file, which in this case would be:
  • To add the built css, create a new file, say, tcx1.css in the above created node. Here, add the code from dist/build.css. Now create a new file css.txt, here we add the name of our css file, which in this case would be:
  • Do a shift + refresh to load the app with the customisations!


Check that all the above steps were performed correctly.
After adding your code to tcx.js, make sure to do a hard refresh (shift+refresh).
Now open AEM, do a right click and click Inspect
Go to Sources and search for your [node_name].js (for eg: extensions.js) file. Do a Control / Cmd + D to search for your file. If the .js file exists with the JS code you pasted from dist/guides-extension.umd.cjs or dist/guides-extension.js, your setup is complete
