Open DITA topic or map files in same tab id223HI0P202H

In some workflows, when you click on a link of a topic or a map file, it opens in a new tab. This could lead to many tabs opened in your browser, which could impact your productivity. You can change this behavior of opening a topic or map file in a new tab, and force it open in the current tab itself. To do so, perform the following configuration changes:

  1. Open the Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration page.

    The default URL to access the configuration page is:

    code language-http
    http://<server name>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
  2. Search for and click on the com.adobe.fmdita.xmleditor.config.XmlEditorConfig bundle.

  3. Select the Open DITA Topic/Map in Same Tab option.

  4. Click Save.

This setting impacts the following places from where you can access the topic or map files:

  • Create DITA Topic (at the end of the workflow, when you click the Open Topic button)

  • Create DITA Map (at the end of the workflow, when you click the Open Map button)

  • Topics tab in the DITA map console

  • Baselines tab in the DITA map console

  • Reports tab in the DITA map console

Parent topic:Customize Web Editor
