Request review and approval

Ready to invite your coworkers to review an asset or experience that you created? You can invite stakeholders to contribute feedback on a draft of your content with the eventual goal of approval.

Only designated approvers can assign an approval status and add review comments. Approvers who have received the link to the draft URL can only see the draft, not assign approval status or add comments. If you share a draft URL with an Adobe GenStudio for Performance Marketing collaborator in your organization who has not been included in the draft review, this user can view the draft. They cannot leave comments or approve the content.

Launch an approval request

After you generate your content variants, you can request review and approval.

To request a review:

  1. Click the Send for approver button on the top menu bar of the Canvas. The Send for approval pop-up opens and identifies the draft for which you are requesting a review. If you generate multiple variants, the entire Canvas is sent for review.

  2. Select the approver or approvers that you would like to request a review from. As you begin typing, the Approver field auto-completes the approver user name from the list of users with GenStudio for Performance Marketing view and approve permissions. The Send button is activated after you have entered at least one approver name.

  3. Click Send. Clicking this button triggers in-product and email notifications that alert each designated approver that they have content to review.

    Optional: Use comments to communicate additional context about the assets under review and call attention to specific details and callouts.

Add and remove approvers

If you are the content creator, your draft Canvas displays the Manage approvals button. Use this button to open a popup from which you can remove or add approvers throughout the review and approval process.

Approver names are listed in this view with a Notified status after the approval requests have launched. See Approve content for an overview of GenStudio for Performance Marketing approval tasks.
