Channels overview

The Insights Channels view shows a list of campaigns for the connected channel ad account.

GenStudio for Performance Marketing requires you to connect to a channel account to begin receiving data. See Connect channel account.

The Channels table is organized using the channel-based ad campaign. Click the settings (cog) icon above the right side of the table to toggle the viewable columns. The filter (funnel) icon above the left side of the table opens the Filter menu where you can select from the Account, Status, and Objective lists to filter the campaigns in the table.

Channels filter and table {modal="regular"}

When you select a campaign, the Experiences tab opens to a list of ad names associated with that campaign, which allows you to identify which experiences have contributed to its overall success.


At the time that you created a campaign with Meta ads, you may have selected an objective that aligned with your business goals. There are six objectives from Meta ads visible in GenStudio for Performance Marketing:

  1. Awareness: Reach out to the maximum audience and bring awareness to your business.
  2. Traffic: Increase traffic to your site or application.
  3. Engagement: Interact with existing and potential customers.
  4. Leads: Build connections to expand your audience.
  5. App promotion: Promote your application.
  6. Sales: Focus on reaching the people mostly likely to use your product.

Channels metrics

Depending on your performance goals, Insights metrics can help you evaluate whether you are achieving your objective.

For example, if awareness is your objective, then an increase in the rate of impressions may indicate that you are expanding your reach. To understand if that is achieving your objective, you could look at metrics that indicate your content is engaging, such as clicks or video plays. How effectively is your audience interacting with your content?

Metrics detail

The following table provides definitions and insights for key digital marketing metrics in the Channels view. Each metric includes a brief definition as it relates to Channels, how the metric is calculated, and one or more insights to help understand its significance and impact on marketing campaigns.

Meta campaign name
A list of campaign names for the connected channel account. Campaign status can be Active, Paused, Deleted, or Archived. Filter campaigns by status and objective.
Sort the table by clicking on the column heading for any of the key metrics.
The date that the campaign was released or published to the market.
A high impressions count may indicate that the ad is reaching the intended audience.
A count of each time content loads within the channel, regardless of interaction or viewing.
A high impression count can indicate broad visibility, but for true performance insight, consider with other engagement metrics.
Number of times users interact with a clickable element, such as a link or a call-to-action button, within the ad campaign.
A high click count indicates strong interest and engagement with the content, which may be effective and reaching the right audience.
Click-through rate
Percentage (%) of impressions that resulted in campaign clicks within a channel.
Calculation: (clicks divided by impressions) x 100 = %
A high click-through rate indicates that the content is highly relevant and motivating to the audience in the messaging and design, and is effectively targeting the audience’s interests.
Cost per thousand
Cost ($) for every one thousand ad impressions for the ad campaign.
Calculation: (total amount spent divided by impressions) x 1000
A low value may indicate cost-effective visibility, especially when paired with a high click-through rate.
Cost per click
Average cost ($) associated with each click in an ad campaign.
Calculation: total amount spent divided by clicks = $
Lower average costs may indicate cost-efficient ad spend, especially when compared with a rise in conversions.
Video plays
Percentage (%) of viewers who watched a video to the end.
A high count of video plays may indicate that the video is capturing attention, and can mean that the thumbnail, title, or placement is effectively drawing in viewers. High play completion rates suggest that your video content is compelling and relevant.
Total funds ($) allocated for an ad campaign to achieve campaign goals.
A high budget means more resources for broader reach and potentially greater impact.
The amount ($) spent from the budget over a given period of time to place ads across different platforms.
A high spend amount in a short period may indicate rapid usage, which could lead to early depletion of resources. Track the spend amount against key performance metrics to help monitor the overall return on investment.