Create an email experience

This tutorial demonstrates how to generate branded email experiences using GenStudio for Performance Marketing Create (paintbrush icon in the left navigation area).

To create an effective email experience, it is recommended that you add guidelines to GenStudio for Performance Marketing and brush up on the basics of crafting a prompt before you begin.

Choose a template

To create a new email experience, use an available template to provide the framework for your content.

To choose an email template:

  1. In Create, click Email in the “What do you want to create today?” section.

  2. Use the search option, adjacent to Filter, to find a specific email template.

  3. Click to select an email template and click Use.

    The Canvas, the epicenter of content creation, appears.

Add parameters

Adding guidelines and assets in Parameters in the prompt drawer supercharges the content generation process and is an integral preparatory step for generating an email experience.

To add parameters and assets:

  1. Click the Parameters icon to expand the prompt drawer.

  2. In the Parameters section, select guidelines—Brands, Personas, and Products—to inform content creation.

    Choose persona {width="600" modal="regular"}

    If there are no brands, personas, or products available from these menus, add guidelines to your GenStudio for Performance Marketing.

  3. Add content for use in the experience and to influence content generation:

    • Click Select from Content to select assets (images) from your Content repository, filter and select one or more images.

      Choose visual content {width="500" modal="regular"}

      To use assets from a connected AEM Assets Content Hub repository, choose a repository from the Location dropdown menu. Filter and select one or more images.

    • Or, drag and drop assets into the Select from Content section to upload one or more new assets.

  4. Click Use.

If your email template has multiple sections, select Products and content (visual assets) for each email section in Multi-section emails. Multi-section emails support one visual asset per section. You can only add visual assets to multi-section emails from Content—you cannot drag and drop or upload assets from your local source.
Add content and parameters for each email section {width="450" modal="regular"}

When you are finished adding parameters, you can collapse the prompt drawer by clicking the Parameters icon again.

Enter a prompt

After guidelines are selected, craft a prompt using natural language to start generating content for your new email experience. Detailed prompts yield higher quality output than vague or indescriptive prompts.

See Write effective prompts to learn more about writing prompts.

To enter a prompt:

  1. Enter a prompt in the “Describe the experiences you want to generate” prompt box.
  2. Click Generate.

By default, four variations—all fueled by the prompt, guidelines, and content you added—are generated and shown in the Canvas.

Generated content loads progressively—as each section of the email experiences are generated they appear in the Canvas. See Email experiences to learn how those changes are loaded in the Canvas.

Revise generated emails

Before selecting what to send for approval or publishing to Content you can edit email sections or delete a variant from the set of generated emails.

To revise generated variants:

  • To edit the email draft name, click into the Untitled Draft title at the top of the Canvas and enter a new title.
  • To manually edit an email, double-click into any of the editable text fields (such as the subject line, header, or body copy) and edit as needed
  • To regenerate a section of a variant, click an editable text field and use the Suggested edits options or enter a new prompt and click Generate.
  • To add or swap images in a variant, click an image asset (or the image asset area if an image does not currently exist) and click Select/swap from content or Upload New Image to add or swap an image in an individual variant.
  • To delete an email, click to select the email title (for example, “Email 1/4”) and click Delete variant.

Submit generation feedback

To submit feedback about the quality of the generation output, click the options icon (three dots) and select Good output or Poor output.

Preview for device

When revising and preparing email experiences, you can toggle between previews for desktop and mobile views to ensure coherence and visual appeal of draft variants.

Verify brand alignment

To optimize the generated emails and ensure strict adherence to brand identity, leverage the power of the Brand guidelines check—providing a summary of brand alignment for a variant—and the Brand validation panel—displaying comprehensive brand validation details and illuminating improvement areas.

To verify brand alignment:

  1. Click the Brand guidelines check icon for a variant and see a summary of how that variant performs when checked against your brand.

    Brand guidelines check {width="350" modal="regular"}

  2. To get the details of the sections and guidelines that need improvement, click Review or click the Brand validation icon in top menu bar to open the Brand validation panel.

  3. Toggle through each email to see how you can improve the generated content to be more brand-aligned.

    Brand validation panel {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. Manually revise emails to ensure your emails are closely aligned with your brand.

See Brand validation.

Get reviews and approvals

Use the Approvals panel, accessible on the top menu bar of the Canvas, to obtain reviews, track review comments, and get approvals from stakeholders.

To obtain reviews and approvals:

  1. Launch an approval request to solicit an approval of drafted email experiences.
  2. Remove or add reviewers during the review process.
  3. Access the content for review and view the requests for revision.
  4. Edit the drafts per review comments and publish your email experiences.

See Reviews and approvals for more information.

Publish and export experience

To make the generated emails available for current and future use, publish it to Content and export it for use in your marketing campaigns.

  1. To publish your new email experience(s), click Publish in the top toolbar, or within the approvals flow.
  2. To export your new email experience(s), click Export in the top toolbar.
    1. Select the format—CSV and images or HTML only—and click Export.

See Content for more information.
