Engagement map error detection and resolution

Learn how Engagement Map aids in troubleshooting and fixing campaign issues quickly

In this video, I will show you how Engagement Map can increase your operational efficiency through its enhanced error handling capabilities. I’m going to Marketing Activities and navigate to my Fall Outreach campaign. I click on the Engagement Map button so I can quickly review the campaign and validate that it’s correct before I activate it. Right away, I notice the Activate button is disabled because there are errors in the campaign. At a quick glance, I notice there are errors in the triggers, filters, and flow steps indicated by the error icon displayed in the cards. I can click on the Trigger Overview card to see more details. In the Slide Out panel, I see the error message which informs me that I forgot to select a value for the constraint. I can select the Edit Trigger button to add a value to the constraint. This opens the Smart List tab where I can add a value to the constraint. Similarly, I can click on the Filter card to see details of the errors. I can see in the Slide Out panel that I forgot to select a value for one of the filter constraints. Selecting the Edit Filter button allows me to add a value for the constraint and resolve the error. This opens the Smart List tab where I can add a value to the constraint. Errors in Filter Cards can include an error in the Smart List which will result in qualified audience not being shown, an error in the filter logic, or an error in constraints in one or more filters. As with triggers and filters, I can click on the Flow Step card to review the errors with it. I can see in the Slide Out panel there is an error with choice 2. A value for the attribute was not provided. Selecting the Edit Flow Step button allows me to quickly resolve the error. This opens the Flow Step tab where I can add a value and resolve the error. This button map also allows you to see if there are errors within nested campaigns. Please note, errors within a nested campaign won’t be visible until you’ve expanded the nested campaign. As you can see, my Fall Outreach campaign contains an Execute Campaign Flow Step. When I click on the Choice 2 card, I can see there is an error in the filters within my lead scoring campaign. When I click on the Filter card, I can see that a value was not provided for one of the constraints. In the Slide Out panel, I can click on the link for the lead scoring campaign which opens the engagement map for that campaign. I can click on the Edit Filter button to correct the error. Once I’ve resolved all the errors in my Fall Outreach campaign, I can go ahead and activate it. Now you’ve seen how you can use Engagement Map to troubleshoot and resolve campaign issues quickly and easily.