You’ve decided that you want to run a webinar as part of your marketing activities, and now you are ready to create one and manage it from Marketo. In our example, we’ll be showing you how to connect Marketo to a launch point partner, so you can sync with your webinar provider and manage the event from Marketo; import and clone a program template where you can customize prebuilt programs that include all invitation, reminder and follow up emails and assets used in the webinar process. Modify program settings, so your webinar reflects your company’s tags and program costs. Schedule and sync a webinar program to a launch point event, set a date and time for your event, then connect it to the launch point partner. Update program, My Tokens, to help you ensure consistency and reduce build time for your webinar programs. Use Smart Campaigns to promote and track registration, where you can send invites and trigger reminder emails. Follow up with your registrants with a thank you email for attendees, and an On-demand recording offering for any no-shows.
To get started, log into your Marketo account and click Admin in the top navigation. To connect Marketo, to our launch point partner, locate integration in the left panel, and click LaunchPoint. Click the new dropdown menu and select New Service. In the new service window, enter the display name webinars. And in the service dropdown menu, we’ll select GoToWebinar as the service we want to add. Check the enable additional fields check box and click log into, GoToWebinar.
GoToWebinar will launch and ask us to either log in or click allow. Back in the new service window, we’ll click create. Now, you can see the new service is listed under installed services.
Now, that we are connected with our launch point partner, GoToWebinar, we’ll import a program template. Click the Marketo super ball in the top left corner, and select Marketing Activities. Then click the new dropdown and select import program.
In the subscription dropdown, select Marketo Program Library and in the import program dropdown select the tokenized webinar program and click next.
In step two, we’ll choose the campaign folder for this program and click next. In step three, we’ll review the program details and click import.
With your program template imported, let’s clone it so we can customize it to use for this event. Locate the imported program, inside the folders you designated. Right click the program template and select clone.
For workspace, select the workspace that will be using this webinar for clone two. Select a campaign folder, and in folder, choose the folder, choose a folder where marketing initiatives are organized. For our example, we’ll choose the folder my marketing initiative’s 2017. For name, we’ll call this Top 10 Webinar Tips. For description, we’ll say top 10 webinar mistakes and how to avoid them, then click create.
With our clone template selected, we’ll head over to the setup tap at the top. If you use tags in your reporting, you can add these in here. In this example, we’ll use the industry tag to say our webinar is targeting people in the healthcare industry. Click the Industry tag, drag it to the settings area, in the dropdown menu, locate and select Healthcare, then click save.
We also want to track program costs which will be used to measure the return on investment of our program. To do this, we’ll drag the period cost tag to the settings area. You’ll be prompted to select the program month, enter the program cost and click save. If your program spans multiple months, then you will need to add additional program cost tags separately for each month. You may also have multiple cost tags in a single month. If there isn’t a dollar amount associated with a program, add a cost tag and set the value to zero. This is necessary, if you want the program ROI to be analyzed against other programs.
Now, that we’ve completed the basic setup steps, let’s schedule our event. To do this, we need to know our start and end date. To start, we’ll click Event Actions and then Schedule.
Enter the start date and time and end date and time, then verify that the event and time zone are correct, and click save.
Now, we’ll connect our program to our webinar event via our launch point partner. Navigate to the program summary page on the main program tab. Next to event partner, click not set. In the event settings window, we’re prompted to choose an event partner. So we’ll choose GoToWebinar.
In the login dropdown, select GoToWebinar, then select the webinar event from the list and click save.
Next, navigate to the My Tokens tab on your program. My Tokens are custom variables that can be used in program assets to ensure consistency and reduce build time. These can be used in flow steps, web hooks, emails and landing pages. From the tokens tab, double click my.Event Title.
Edit the value of the token to Top 10 Webinar Tips and click save. Double click my. Event Description, and edit the value of the token to update the description of your webinar. This will open the rich text editor where text, images and hyperlinks can be added.
The my. Add to Calendar is an exception to the no nested tokens rule. Double click my.calendar, click to Edit and add my. Event Title to the subject field. Go ahead and set the start and end dates and add my. Event Description to the description field.
Also include the member.webinar URL member token in the description field.
Click the icon to the right of the description field, in the token field. Begin typing URL and select the member.webinar URL token, then click insert. Back in the edit calendar file window, click save, then click to save the changes to the token.
When a person registers for the webinar, they’re assigned a unique URL for that webinar. The member.webinar URL token automatically presents the person’s unique confirmation URL. Preview the program assets to make sure the updated my token values appear. When all is said and done, your program will consist of email assets for invitation registration confirmation, and follow up, a registration form and landing page and a thank you landing page.
For webinars, there are three main communication phases in the program: invites, reminder and follow up. With our Top 10 Webinar Tips program selected, click to expand the contents in the campaigns folder, then select the send invitation Smart Campaign, navigate to the smart list tab, where you’ll use filters to craft your audience list. We’ll type the word industry in the search field. Drag over the filter, then specify a value of healthcare.
Next, click on the flow tab. This Smart Campaign sends out an invitation to your webinar with links that drive recipients to a landing page.
There are two flow steps in this Smart Campaign. The first sends out the invitation email. The second changes the program status of those recipients to invited. Finally, navigate to the schedule tab. We want to send this first invite one week prior to the webinar.
Click on run once, under the campaign tabs, and either select the campaign to run now or schedule to run later. Program registration status is critical if you want Marketo and the launch point partner event to share registrant information. Along with your outbound campaigns, you’ll need to create a Smart Campaign that triggers when a person fills out the webinar registration form you’ve set up.
People who sign up for your webinar will get pushed to your webinar provider via the change program status flow step. Be sure to make that flow step one, and sending the confirmation email flow step two, modify send invitation reminder and send invitation last chance Smart Campaigns to send emails out to people who receive the first invitation, but who have not yet registered. Last, schedule the send invitation reminder campaign, for people who have registered for your webinar. This is the batch Smart Campaign, so you’ll need to schedule this around one to 24 hours prior to the start of the webinar and after you’ve sent your last chance invite.
Once the webinar has taken place, the launch point event will relay attendance information back to Marketo for all those who registered. This will appear on your program summary page under the members by program status section. This summary will show how many people were invited, how many registered, how many no-showed or attended, and how many attended the On-demand webinar recording. After the webinar, you should send follow up emails to both attendees and no-shows, offering the recording on demand. The follow up campaign sends emails to both attendees and no-shows. If the person attended, they receive a thank you email that contains a link to a recording of your webinar. But if the person did not attend, they receive a different email which invites them to attend an on-demand recording.
Schedule the follow up batch campaign to send two to three days after the webinar, allowing the launch point event enough time to sync data back over to Marketo. Be sure to set up another Smart Campaign that triggers when a person clicks the link to watch the on-demand webinar recording. Use the flow to update their program status to attend it On-demand. Now, your webinar program is set to run on its own. -