Learn about using dynamic and predictive content in emails

Delivering relevant content is one of the most important ideas in marketing. Learn how to utilize Marketo Content AI and how to apply dynamic content when working with Marketo.

Customers expect and demand that brand interactions are relevant, personalized, and delivered at the right moment. Often, customers do not engage with the brand if they cannot relate to the content, or find it useful. There’s more than one way to get the right message to the right buyer. What’s the best way to present relevant content to every person who engages with your brand? With Dynamic and Predictive Content, you can address this problem and drive engagement by making every interaction with each customer more relevant and valuable.
Dynamic Content is used to personalize landing pages, and emails targeted to specific segments of your audience. As the marketer, you decide what content to make dynamic, and which options apply to which segments. Maybe you show users in one segment one offer, and users in another segment something completely different. For emails, this can mean altering subject lines, images, or text, with information and recommendations relevant to each recipient. Predictive Content uses artificial intelligence to determine the content from your website, best aligned with the attributes of the leads in your database. It auto discovers and maps all of your content assets and learns which content works best for which target segments, then displays the most relevant content to web visitors and leads. Because the content your leads see is more relevant, they are more likely to consume and engage with your brand.
Here are some of the benefits of using Dynamic and Predictive Content. When using Dynamic Content, you are manually determining what content displays for segments of your list. This allows each member of their respective segment to see more relevant information. With Predictive Content, Marketo’s Content AI crawls your website, and automatically identifies your web assets, such as videos, eBooks, case studies, and blog posts. You simply choose which content in your email, landing page, or website is predictive, and allow recommendations without having to spend hours searching through content manually. You can also get more use out of your existing content by leveraging consumption, personas, and behavioral patterns, to learn which content works best. When you put the most relevant content in front of each person across all your channels, you get the most out of every interaction.
There’s a large range of uses when it comes to Dynamic and Predictive Content. This could be as easy as personalizing the greeting with a Marketo token, or as complex as replacing the content with predictive and personalized recommendations. Let’s take a look at an example for a company that produces a lot of webinars. A customer signs up for a webinar, and then sees a confirmation page thanking them for registering. At the bottom of the confirmation page is a call to action, allowing them to register for three other recommended webinars. When the call to action is set to use predictive content, artificial intelligence is used to automatically display other webinars tailored towards the individual viewing the confirmation page. If the same company had the CTA set to dynamic instead, they could use very specific targeted content such as recommending webinars for citizens of the United States versus citizens of Japan. Predictive content works best when you have a large amount of content on your website and you want to let the AI present the best content. Dynamic content is more focused and would benefit a limited set of content.
In Marketo, your predictive content efforts are measured on the Content AI dashboard. For example, the dashboard displays, Total Content, Total Views, and what the most popular pieces of content are. You can also see Total Clicks, Percentage of Clicks by Source, Direct Leads, and Conversion Rate. You can learn which content performs best with this insight, and continually optimize existing content, as well as create new content that resonates with customers.
When using Dynamic and Predictive Content, it’s important to decide ahead of time how these features will fit into your marketing strategy goals. Define your audience. Segmentation categorizes your audience into different segments, based on smart list criteria. An example of segmentation could be by industry, where your segments would be healthcare, technology, financial, or consumer goods. Once you’ve created different segments, you can add Dynamic or Predictive Content Blocks into your landing page or email. This tells Marketo that you want that piece of content to be different, depending on the attributes of the person viewing the asset.
Consider your content. It’s important to decide what to make dynamic or predictive and which assets to apply them to, like images, CTAs, or text.
Use tokens in your Dynamic Content.
It’s also important to know how tokens work in Marketo. Tokens use attributes from the leads in your database to dynamically include personalizations in your assets.
Approve your Predictive Content. With the Marketo Content AI dashboard, you can approve predictive content before it’s included in your audience’s recommendations to keep the predictions accurate and relevant. Now that you know how Dynamic and Predictive Content works we’ll show you how to use it in Marketo. -