Example rule artifact
Last update: July 17, 2023
- Topics:
- Developer
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- The impact of third-party cookie deprecation on Target (at.js)
- Google Chrome SameSite cookie policies
- Apple Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) 2.x
- Content Security Policy (CSP) directives
- Allowlist Target edge nodes
- Methods to get data into Target
- Target security overview
- Supported browsers
- TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption changes
- CNAME and Adobe Target
- Client-side implementation
- Overview: implement Target for client-side web
- Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK implementation overview
- at.js implementation
- at.js overview
- How at.js works
- How to deploy at.js
- On-device decisioning
- at.js functions
- at.js functions overview
- adobe.target.getOffer()
- adobe.target.getOffers() - at.js 2.x
- adobe.target.applyOffer()
- adobe.target.applyOffers() - at.js 2.x
- adobe.target.triggerView() - at.js 2.x
- adobe.target.trackEvent()
- mboxCreate() - at.js 1.x
- targetGlobalSettings()
- mboxDefine() and mboxUpdate() - at.js 1.x
- targetPageParams()
- targetPageParamsAll()
- registerExtension() - at.js 1.x
- sendNotifications() - at.js 2.1
- at.js custom events
- Debug at.js using the Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger
- Use cloud-based instances with Target
- at.js FAQs
- at.js version details
- Upgrading from at.js 1.x to at.js 2.x
- at.js cookies
- User-agent and client hints
- Understand the Global mbox
- Server Side implementation
- Server Side: implement Target overview
- Getting started with Target SDKs
- Sample apps
- Transition from Target legacy APIs to Adobe I/O
- Core principles
- Integration
- On-Device Decisioning
- Node.js SDK Reference
- Java SDK Reference
- .NET SDK Reference
- Python SDK Reference
- Hybrid implementation
- Recommendations implementation
- Mobile app implementation
- Email implementation
- API guides
- Implementation patterns
Personalization & Experiementation Excellence with Recommendations and AI
Adobe Customer Success Webinars
Tuesday, Mar 4, 4:00 PM UTC
Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
RegisterAdobe Target at Summit
Register for these developer sessions:
- Put the Customer at the Center and Build Relationships That Last a Lifetime (attend online)
- Building Personalized Connections at Scale: T-Mobile’s Adobe Journey
- Get Inspired and Scale Faster with Generative Experiments
- Had Me at First Click: Activate Your Audience with AI Content Discovery
- The Secret to Next-Level Mobile App Engagement and Growth
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