Render experiences
Follow the steps in the Render Experiences diagram to ensure that all necessary tasks needed to render experiences are executed in the correct sequence.
Render experiences diagram diagram
Automatic out-of-the-box flicker handling available with at.js makes sense only when you have Automatic Page Load Request enabled. This option hides the entire HTML body while fetching the experiences from Target. In this case, it is your responsibility to handle flicker. Search for implementation patterns available for flicker handling for guidance.
Click the following links to navigate to the desired sections:
- 3.1: Promotion
- 3.2: Cart-based criteria
- 3.3: Popularity-based criteria
- 3.4: Item-based criteria
- 3.5: User-based criteria
- 3.6: Custom criteria
- 3.7: Provide attributes used in inclusion rules
- 3.8: Provide excludedIds
- 3.9: Provide entity attributes to update the product catalog for Recommendations
- 3.10: Provide profile attributes used as keys for inclusion rules
- 3.11: Fire page-load request
- 3.12: Fire regional location request
3.1: Promotion promotion
Add promoted items and control their placement in your recommendations design by choosing Front or Back promotions in the Target UI while creating the activity.
Available options
- Promote by IDs
- Promote by collection
- Promote by attribute
Entity parameters required
- Item attributes in promotions must be passed when using the “promote by attribute” option.
Return to the diagram at the top of this page.
3.2: Cart-based criteria cart
Make recommendations based on the user’s cart contents.
Available criteria
- People Who Viewed These, Viewed Those
- People Who Viewed These, Bought Those
- People Who Bought These, Bought Those
Entity parameters required
- cartIds
Return to the diagram at the top of this page.
3.3: Popularity-based criteria popularity
Make recommendations based on the overall popularity of an item across your site or based on the popularity of items within a visitor’s favorite or most-viewed category, brand, genre, and so forth.
Available criteria
- Most Viewed Across the Site
- Most Viewed by Category
- Most Viewed by Item Attribute
- Top Sellers Across the Site
- Top Sellers by Category
- Top Sellers by Item Attribute
- Top by Analytics Metric
Entity parameters required
or the item attribute for popularity based if the criteria is based on the current or the item attribute.- Nothing must be passed for Most Viewed/Top Sold across the site.
3.4: Item-based criteria item
Make recommendations based on finding similar items to an item that the user is viewing or has recently viewed.
Available criteria
- People Who Viewed This, Viewed That
- People Who Viewed This, Bought That
- People Who Bought This, Bought That
- Items with Similar Attributes
Entity parameters required
- If any profile attribute is used as a key
Return to the diagram at the top of this page.
3.5: User-based criteria user
Make recommendations based on the user’s behavior.
Available criteria
- Recently Viewed Items
- Recommended for You
Entity parameters required
Return to the diagram at the top of this page.
3.6: Custom criteria custom
Make recommendations based on a custom file that you upload.
Available criteria
- Custom algorithm
Entity parameters required
or the attribute used as a key for the custom algorithm
Return to the diagram at the top of this page.
3.7: Provide attributes used in inclusion rules inclusion
3.8: Provide excludedIds exclude
Pass entity IDs for entities that you want to exclude from your recommendations. For example, you can exclude items that are already in the shopping cart.
Return to the diagram at the top of this page.
3.9: Provide entity attributes to update the product catalog for Recommendations entity-attributes
You can also accomplish this step by creating product feeds using the Target UI to update the product catalog for Recommendations.
Return to the diagram at the top of this page.
3.10: Provide profile attributes used as keys for inclusion rules keys
Provide the profile attributes that are used as keys for inclusion rules in any Recommendations criteria mentioned above.
Return to the diagram at the top of this page.
3.11: Fire page-load request fire
This step triggers a Delivery API call with execute
> pageLoad
payload in the request. The getOffers()
method fetches the experience and applyOffers()
renders the experience on the page. The pageLoad
request is needed for rendering experiences authored in the Visual Experience Composer (VEC).
- All data mapping must be done using the
- Use the
methods to fetch the experience using a Page Load Request API call.
3.12: Fire regional location request (#location)
This step triggers a Delivery API call with execute
> mboxes
payload in its request. The getOffers
method fetches the experience and applyOffers
renders the experience to the page. You can send more than one mbox under the execute
> mboxes
- All data mapping must be done using the
- Use the
methods to fetch the experience using a Page Load Request API call.
Return to the diagram at the top of this page.
Proceed to Step 4: Notify Target.