3. Initialize the SDK
The rule artifact is downloaded during the SDK initialization step. You can customize the initialization step to determine how the artifact is downloaded and used.
const TargetClient = require("@adobe/target-nodejs-sdk");
const CONFIG = {
client: "<your target client code>",
organizationId: "your EC org id",
decisioningMethod: "on-device",
events: {
clientReady: targetClientReady
const tClient = TargetClient.create(CONFIG);
function targetClientReady() {
//Adobe Target SDK has now downloaded the JSON artifact locally, which contains the activity details.
//We will see how to use the artifact here very soon.
ClientConfig config = ClientConfig.builder()
TargetClient targetClient = TargetClient.create(config);
var targetClientConfig = new TargetClientConfig.Builder("testClient", "ABCDEF012345677890ABCDEF0@AdobeOrg")
from target_python_sdk import TargetClient
def target_client_ready():
# Adobe Target SDK has now downloaded the JSON artifact locally, which contains the activity details.
# We will see how to use the artifact here very soon.
"client": "<your target client code>",
"organization_id": "your EC org id",
"decisioning_method": "on-device",
"events": {
"client_ready": target_client_ready
target_client = TargetClient.create(CONFIG)
4. Set up the feature flags in an Adobe Target A/B Test activity
In Target, navigate to the Activities page, then select Create Activity > A/B test.
In the Create A/B Test Activity modal, leave the default Web option selected (1), select Form as your experience composer (2), select Default Workspace with No Property Restrictions(3), then click Next (4).
In the Experiences step of activity creation, provide a name for your activity (1) and add a second experience, Experience B, by clicking Add Experience (2). Enter the location name of your choice (3). For example,
are location names indicating the destinations for feature flag testing. In the example shown below,ondevice-featureflag
is the location defined for Experience B. Optionally, you may add Audience Refinements (4) to restrict qualification to the activity. -
In the CONTENT section on the same page, select Create JSON Offer in the drop-down (1) as shown.
In the JSON Data text box that appears, type your feature flag variables for each experience (1), using a valid JSON object (2).
Enter the feature flag variables for Experience A.
(Sample JSON for Experience A, above)
{ "enabled" : true, "flag" : "expA" }
Enter the feature flag variables for Experience B.
(Sample JSON for Experience B, above)
{ "enabled" : true, "flag" : "expB" }
Click Next (1) to advance to the Targeting step of activity creation.
In the Targeting step example shown below, Audience Targeting (2) remains on the default set of All Visitors, for simplicity. This means the activity is untargeted. However, note Adobe recommends you always target your audiences for production activities. Click Next (3) to advance to the Goals & Settings step of activity creation.
In the Goals & Settings step, set Reporting Source to Adobe Target (1). Define the Goal Metric as Conversion, specifying the details based on your site’s conversion metrics (2). Click Save & Close (3) to save the activity.
5. Implement and render the feature in your application
After setting up the feature flag variables in Target, modify your application code to use them. For example, after getting the feature flag in the application, you can use it to enable features and render the experience for which the visitor qualified.
//... Code removed for brevity
let featureFlags = {};
function targetClientReady() {
tClient.getAttributes(["ondevice-featureflag"]).then(function(response) {
const featureFlags = response.asObject("ondevice-featureflag");
if(featureFlags.enabled && featureFlags.flag !== "expA") { //Assuming "expA" is control
console.log("Render alternate experience" + featureFlags.flag);
else {
console.log("Render default experience");
MboxRequest mbox = new MboxRequest().name("ondevice-featureflag").index(0);
TargetDeliveryRequest request = TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()
.context(new Context().channel(ChannelType.WEB))
.execute(new ExecuteRequest().mboxes(Arrays.asList(mbox)))
Attributes attributes = targetClient.getAttributes(request, "ondevice-featureflag");
String flag = attributes.getString("ondevice-featureflag", "flag");
var mbox = new MboxRequest(index: 0, name: "ondevice-featureflag");
var deliveryRequest = new TargetDeliveryRequest.Builder()
.SetContext(new Context(ChannelType.Web))
.SetExecute(new ExecuteRequest(mboxes: new List<MboxRequest> { mbox }))
var attributes = targetClient.GetAttributes(request, "ondevice-featureflag");
var flag = attributes.GetString("ondevice-featureflag", "flag");
# ... Code removed for brevity
feature_flags = {}
def target_client_ready():
attribute_provider = target_client.get_attributes(["ondevice-featureflag"])
feature_flags = attribute_provider.as_object(mbox_name="ondevice-featureflag")
if feature_flags.get("enabled") and feature_flags.get("flag") != "expA": # Assuming "expA" is control
print("Render alternate experience {}".format(feature_flags.get("flag")))
print("Render default experience")
6. Implement additional tracking for events in your application
Optionally, you can send additional events for tracking conversions using the sendNotification() function.
//... Code removed for brevity
//When a conversion happens
"request" : {
"notifications" : [
type: "display",
timestamp : Date.now(),
id: "conversion",
mbox : {
name : "orderConfirm"
order : {
id: "BR9389",
total : 98.93,
purchasedProductIds : ["J9393", "3DJJ3"]
Notification notification = new Notification();
Order order = new Order("BR9389");
order.purchasedProductIds(["J9393", "3DJJ3"]);
TargetDeliveryRequest notificationRequest =
.context(new Context().channel(ChannelType.WEB))
NotificationDeliveryService notificationDeliveryService = new NotificationDeliveryService();
var order = new Order
Id = "BR9389",
Total = 98.93M,
PurchasedProductIds = new List<string> { "J9393", "3DJJ3" },
var notification = new Notification
Id = "conversion",
ImpressionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Type = MetricType.Display,
Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(),
Order = order,
var notificationRequest = new TargetDeliveryRequest.Builder()
.SetContext(new Context(ChannelType.Web))
.SetNotifications(new List<Notification> {notification})
# ... Code removed for brevity
# When a conversion happens
notification_mbox = NotificationMbox(name="orderConfirm")
order = Order(id="BR9389, total=98.93, purchased_product_ids=["J9393", "3DJJ3"])
notification = Notification(
timestamp=1621530726000, # Epoch time in milliseconds
notification_request = DeliveryRequest(notifications=[notification])
"target_cookie": target_cookie,
"request" : notification_request
7. Activate your A/B Test activity
Click Activate (1) to activate your A/B Test activity.
You must have the Approver or Publisher user role to perform this step.
Personalization & Experiementation Excellence with Recommendations and AI
Adobe Customer Success Webinars
Tuesday, Mar 4, 4:00 PM UTC
Adobe Target innovations, including GenAI, and best practices on AI-powered personalization and experimentation at scale.
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- Put the Customer at the Center and Build Relationships That Last a Lifetime (attend online)
- Do it Best Leverages the Adobe Platform to Drive Growth for Independents
- B2B Transformation Series: "No Limits" Digital Marketing at GE HealthCare
- B2B Transformation Series: Adobe on Adobe Digital Marketing
- A Tax Transformation: How H&R Block and Adobe MarTech Improved Engagement
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