Benefits of method

Data gets sent to Target in real time, and can be used on the same server call the data on which it comes in.


  • Requires page code update (directly or via a tag management system).

  • If the data must be used for targeting on a subsequent page/server call, it must be translated to a profile script.

  • Query strings can contain only characters as per the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard .

    In addition to those characters mentioned on the IETF site, Target allows the following characters in query strings:

    < > # % " { } | \ ^ [ ] `

    Everything else must be url-encoded. The standard specifies the following format ( ), as illustrated below:

    alt image

    Or, the full list for simplicity:

    alt image

Code examples

targetPageParamsAll (appends the parameters to all mbox calls on the page):

function targetPageParamsAll() { return "param1=value1&param2=value2&p3=hello%20world";

targetPageParams (appends the parameters to the global mbox on the page):

function targetPageParams() { return "param1=value1&param2=value2&p3=hello%20world";

Recommendations: Implementation According to Page Type

Order confirmation: Track Conversions

Category affinity: Category Affinity

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Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Tuesday, Mar 4, 4:00 PM UTC

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