client | String | Yes | None | Target Client Id |
organizationId | String | Yes | None | Experience Cloud Organization ID |
connectTimeout | Number | No | 10000 | Connection timeout for all requests in milliseconds |
socketTimeout | Number | No | 10000 | Socket timeout for all requests in milliseconds |
maxConnectionsPerHost | Number | No | 100 | Max Connections per Target host |
maxConnectionsTotal | Number | No | 200 | Max Connections including all Target hosts |
connectionTtlMs | Number | No | -1 | Total time to live (TTL) defines maximum life span of persistent connections in milliseconds. By default connections will be kept alive indefinitely |
idleConnectionValidationMs | Number | No | 1000 | Period of inactivity in milliseconds after which persistent connections are re-validated prior to being reused |
evictIdleConnectionsAfterSecs | Number | No | 20 | The time in seconds to evict idle connections from the connection pool |
enableRetries | Boolean | No | true | Automatic retries for socket timeouts (max 4) |
logRequests | Boolean | No | false | Log Target requests and responses in debug |
logRequestStatus | Boolean | No | false | Log Target response time, status, and URL |
serverDomain | String | No | *client* | Overrides default hostname |
secure | Boolean | No | true | Unset to enforce HTTP scheme |
requestInterceptor | HttpRequestInterceptor | No | Null | Add custom request Interceptor |
defaultPropertyToken | String | No | None | Sets the default property token for every getOffers call. For on-device decisioning, the SDK will only download the artifact that contains the qualified activities for the property token set in defaultPropertyToken |
defaultDecisioningMethod | DecisioningMethod enum | No | SERVER_SIDE | Must be set to ON_DEVICE or HYBRID to enable on-device decisioning |
telemetryEnabled | Boolean | No | true | Allows customers to opt out of additional data collection during requests to Target servers |
proxyConfig | ClientProxyConfig | No | None | Allows the client to provide their own proxy details |
exceptionHandler | TargetExceptionHandler | No | None | Can be used to implement custom exception handling during rule processing |
httpClient | HttpClient | No | None | Allows users to replace the Target HTTP client with a custom HTTP Client |
onDeviceEnvironment | String | No | production | Can be used to specify a different on-device environment, such as staging |
onDeviceConfigHostname | String | No | | Can be used to specify a different host to use to download the on-device decisioning artifact file |
onDeviceDecisioningPollingIntSecs | int | No | 300 (5 minutes) | Number of seconds between fetches of the on-device decisioning artifact file |
onDeviceArtifactPayload | byte[] | No | None | Provides on-device decisioning with previous artifact payload to allow immediate execution |
onDeviceDecisioningHandler | OnDeviceDecisioningHandler | No | None | Registers callbacks for on-device decisioning events |
onDeviceAllMatchingRulesMboxes | List<String> | No | None | Allows users to specify mboxes for which all matching rule content will be returned during on-device decisioning |