3. Verify the on-device decisioning rule artifact has been retrieved and cached according to the polling interval defined.

  1. Wait the duration of the polling interval (default is 20 minutes) and ensure that the artifact is being fetched by the SDK. The same terminal logs will be output.

    Additionally, information from the theTargetTrace should be outputted to the terminal with details about the rule artifact.

       "trace": {
      "clientCode": "your-client-code",
      "artifact": {
        "artifactLocation": "https://assets.adobetarget.com/your-client-code/production/v1/rules.json",
        "pollingInterval": 300000,
        "pollingHalted": false,
        "artifactVersion": "1.0.0",
        "artifactRetrievalCount": 10,
        "artifactLastRetrieved": "2020-09-20T00:09:42.707Z",
        "clientCode": "your-client-code",
        "environment": "production",
        "generatedAt": "2020-09-22T17:17:59.783Z"

4. Validate content delivery via the cached rule artifact by creating a test on-device decisioning activity through the form-based experience composer

  1. Navigate to theTargetUI in Experience Cloud

    alt image

  2. Create a new XT activity using the Form-based Experience Composer.

    alt image

  3. Input the mbox name used in yourTargetrequest as the location for the XT activity (note this should be a unique mbox name specifically for development purposes).

    alt image

  4. Change the content to either an HTML offer or JSON offer. This will be returned in theTargetrequest to your application. Leave targeting for the activity as ‘All Visitors’ and select any metric you would like. Name the activity, save it, and then activate it to ensure the mbox/location in use is only for development.

    alt image

  5. In your application, add a log statements for the content received in the response from yourTargetrequest

    Node.js SDK

       try {
      const response = await targetClient.getOffers({ request });
      console.log('Response: ', response.response.execute.mboxes[0].options[0].content);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Something went wrong', error);

    Java SDK

       try {
      Context context = new Context()
      MboxRequest mbox = new MboxRequest()
      ExecuteRequest executeRequest = new ExecuteRequest()
      TargetDeliveryRequest request = TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()
        TargetDeliveryResponse response = targetClient.getOffers(request);
      logger.debug("Response: ", response.getResponse().getExecute().getMboxes().get(0).getOptions().get(0).getContent());
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      logger.error("Something went wrong", exception);
  6. Review the logs in your terminal to verify that your content is being delivered and that it was delivered via the rules artifact on your server. The LD.DeciscionProvider object is outputted when the activity qualification and decisioning were determined on-device based on the rules artifact. Furthermore, due to the logging of the content, you should see <div>test</div> or however you have decided the response to be when creating the test activity.

    Logger output

       AT: LD.DecisionProvider {...}
    AT: Response received {...}
    Response:  <div>test</div>

Inspect send notification errors

When using On-device decisioning, notifications are sent automatically for getOffers execute requests. These requests are sent silently in the background. Any errors can be inspected by subscribing to an event called sendNotificationError. Here is a code sample showing how to subscribe to notification errors using the Node.js SDK.

const TargetClient = require("@adobe/target-nodejs-sdk");
let client;

function onSendNotificationError({ notification, error }) {
    `There was an error when sending a notification: ${error.message}`
  console.log(`Notification Payload: ${JSON.stringify(notification, null, 2)}`);

async function targetClientReady() {
  const request = {
    context: { channel: "web" },
    execute: {
      mboxes: [{
        name: "a1-serverside-ab",
        index: 1
  const targetResponse = await client.getOffers({ request });

client = TargetClient.create({
  events: {
    clientReady: targetClientReady,
    sendNotificationError: onSendNotificationError

Common Troubleshooting Scenarios

Please be sure to review supported features for on-device decisioning when running into issues.

On-device decisioning activities not executing due to unsupported audience or activity

A common issue that can occur is on-device decisioning activities not executing due to the audience in use or the activity type being unsupported.

(1) Using the logger output, review the entries in the trace property in your response object. Specifically identify the campaigns property:

Trace output

  "execute": {
  "mboxes": [
      "name": "your-mbox-name",
      "index": 0,
      "trace": {
        "clientCode": "your-client-code",
        "campaigns": [],

You will notice that the activity you are trying to qualify for is not in the campaigns property since the audience or activity type is not supported. If the activity is listed under the campaigns property, your issue is not due to an unsupported audience or activity type.

(2) Additionally, locate the rules.json file by looking at the trace > artifact > artifactLocation in your logger output and notice that your activity is missing from the rules > mboxes property:

Logger output

 rules: {
   mboxes: { },
   views: { }

Finally, navigate to theTargetUI and locate the activity in question: experience.adobe.com/target

Review the rules used in the audience and ensure you only use those aforementioned that are supported. Additionally, ensure that the activity type is either A/B or XT.

alt image

On-device decisioning activities not executing due to unqualified audience

If an on-device decisioning activity is not executing, but you have verified that your rules.json file contains the activity, run through the following steps:

(1) Ensure that the mbox you are executing in your application is the same one the activity is using:

 rules: {
   mboxes: {
    target-only-node-sdk-mbox: [{ // this mbox name must match the mbox in your request
 const request = {
   trace: {
     authorizationToken: '2dfc1dce-1e58-4e05-bbd6-a6725893d4d6'
   execute: {
     mboxes: [{
       address: getAddress(req),
       name: "target-only-node-sdk-mbox-two" // this mbox name must match the mbox the activity is using
Context context = new Context()
MboxRequest mbox = new MboxRequest()
ExecuteRequest executeRequest = new ExecuteRequest()

TargetDeliveryRequest request = TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()

TargetDeliveryResponse response = targetClient.getOffers(request);

(2) Ensure that you are qualified for the audience for you activity by reviewing the matchedRuleConditions or unmatchedRuleConditions property of your trace output:

Trace output

"campaignId": 368564,
"campaignType": "landing",
"matchedSegmentIds": [],
"unmatchedSegmentIds": [
      "matchedRuleConditions": [],
          "unmatchedRuleConditions": [
              "in": [
                  "var": "mbox.auth_lc"

If you have unmatched rule conditions, you are not qualified for the activity and thus the activity will not execute. Review the rules in your audience to see why you are not qualifying.

On-device decisioning activity not executing, but reason not apparent

It may not be readily apparent why an on-device decisioning activity is not executing. In this case, follow these troubleshooting steps to identify the issue:

(1) Read through the logger trace output in your console and identify the artifact property, which will look similar to the following:

Trace output

      "artifact": {
          "artifactLocation": "https://assets.adobetarget.com/your-client-code/production/v1/rules.json",
          "pollingInterval": 300000,
          "pollingHalted": false,
          "artifactVersion": "1.0.0",
          "artifactRetrievalCount": 3,
          "artifactLastRetrieved": "2020-10-16T00:56:27.596Z",
          "clientCode": "adobeinterikleisch",
          "environment": "production"

Look at the artifactLastRetrieved date of the artifact and ensure that you have the latest rules.json file downloaded to your app.

(2) Find the evaluatedCampaignTargets property in your logger output:

Logger output

  "evaluatedCampaignTargets": [
        "context": {
          "current_timestamp": 1602812599608,
          "current_time": "0143",
          "current_day": 5,
          "user": {
            "browserType": "unknown",
            "platform": "Unknown",
            "locale": "en",
            "browserVersion": -1
          "page": {
            "url": "localhost:3000/",
            "path": "/",
            "query": "",
            "fragment": "",
            "subdomain": "",
            "domain": "3000",
            "topLevelDomain": "",
            "url_lc": "localhost:3000/",
            "path_lc": "/",
            "query_lc": "",
            "fragment_lc": "",
            "subdomain_lc": "",
            "domain_lc": "3000",
            "topLevelDomain_lc": ""
          "referring": {
            "url": "localhost:3000/",
            "path": "/",
            "query": "",
            "fragment": "",
            "subdomain": "",
            "domain": "3000",
            "topLevelDomain": "",
            "url_lc": "localhost:3000/",
            "path_lc": "/",
            "query_lc": "",
            "fragment_lc": "",
            "subdomain_lc": "",
            "domain_lc": "3000",
            "topLevelDomain_lc": ""
          "geo": {},
          "mbox": {},
          "allocation": 23.79
        "campaignId": 368564,
        "campaignType": "landing",
        "matchedSegmentIds": [],
        "unmatchedSegmentIds": [
        "matchedRuleConditions": [],
        "unmatchedRuleConditions": [
            "in": [
                "var": "mbox.auth_lc"

(3) Review the context, page, and referring data to ensure it is as expected as this can affect the targeting qualification of the activity.

(4) Review the campaignId to ensure the activity or activities you are expecting to execute are evaluated. The campaignId will match the activity ID on the activity overview tab in theTargetUI:

alt image

(5) Review the matchedRuleConditions and unmatchedRuleConditions to identify issues with qualifying for the audience rules for a given activity.

(6) Review the latest rules.json file to ensure the activity or activities you want to execute locally are included. The location is referenced above in step 1.

(7) Ensure you are using the same mbox names in your request and activities.

(8) Ensure you are using supported audience rules and supported activity types.

A server call is made even though the activity setup under an mbox says “On Device Decisioning Eligible” in theTargetuser interface

There are a few reasons why a server call is made even though the device is eligible for on-device decisioning:

  • When the mbox used for an “On Device Decisioning Eligible” activity is also used for other activities that are not “On Device Decisioning Eligible,” the mbox is listed under the remoteMboxes section in the rules.json artifact. When an mbox is listed under remoteMboxes, any getOffer(s) calls to that mbox result in a server call.

  • If you set up an activity under a workspace/property and do not include the same when configuring the SDK, this can cause the rules.josn of the default workspace to be downloaded, which can use the mbox under the remoteMboxes section.

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