Fetch profiles

A Target profile can be fetched in three ways: using an Experience Cloud Visitor ID (ECID), tntid or thirdPartyId.

Using an Experience Cloud Visitor ID (ECID)

You can fetch a profile based on the ECID. The HTTP method must be GET.

The URL looks like the following example:


Replace <clientCode> with your Target Client Code and <ECID> with your Experience Cloud Visitor ID (Marketing Cloud Visitor ID).

Using a tntid

Target automatically assigns a tntid for every request.

The following example shows the request format to fetch a profile using a tntid:


Replace <your-client-code> and your-tnt-id and fire a GET request. Here is an example profile fetch call using a tntid:


Using a thirdPartyId

Adobe Target profiles can be augmented with your own identifier (for example: CRM id, uuid, membership number, and so forth).

See Update profiles to learn how you can attach a thirdPartyId to your profile.

The following example shows the request format to fetch a profile using a thirdPartyId:


Replace <your-client-code> and your-thirdpartyid and fire a GET request. Here is an example profile fetch call using a thirdpartyid:


When this call is made, Target attempts to locate the profile first in the cluster noted in the edge request, or wherever the profile is located and return the content. The profile contents are returned in JSON format.


The Target Profile API can be secured by turning authentication on from the Target UI as described here. Once authentication is switched ON, all profile API requests must have the profile authentication token set in the request headers. The token itself can be generated using the Target UI or using the steps explained above in the Profile Authentication Token section.


These calls do not count towards your mbox calls.

Error handling

In the case of a call to /thirdPartyId with an invalid or an expired thirdPartyId specified:

{"status" : 404, "message" : "No profile found for client <client_code> with third party id=<third_party_id>"}

If the profile can not be located or has expired:

{"status" : 404, "message" : "No profile found for client <client_code> with mboxPC=<mbox_pc>"}