
Adding parameters with getOffer() and using applyOffer() for success-handling:

  "mbox": "target-global-mbox",
  "params": {
     "a": 1,
     "b": 2
  "success": function(offer) {
        adobe.target.applyOffer( {
           "mbox": "target-global-mbox",
           "offer": offer
        } );
  "error": function(status, error) {
      console.log('Error', status, error);

Adding parameters and profile parameters with getOffer() and using applyOffer() for success-handling:

  "mbox": "target-global-mbox",
  "params": {
     "a": 1,
     "b": 2,
     "profile.age": 27,
     "profile.gender": "male"
  "success": function(offer) {
        adobe.target.applyOffer( {
           "mbox": "target-global-mbox",
           "offer": offer
        } );
  "error": function(status, error) {
      console.log('Error', status, error);

Using custom timeout and custom success-handling with getOffer():

“YOUR_OWN_CUSTOM_HANDLING_FUNCTION” is a placeholder for a function the customer would define.

  "mbox": "target-global-mbox",
  "success": function(offer) {
  "error": function(status, error) {
    console.log('Error', status, error);
  "timeout": 2000


The response parameter passed to the success callback will be an array of actions. An action is an object that usually has the following format:

actionStringType of action to be applied to the identified element.
selectorStingRepresents a Sizzle selector.
cssSelectorStringDOM native selector, used for element pre-hiding.
contentStringThe content to be applied to the identified element.


    "sessionId": "1444512212156-384616",
    "tntId": "1444512212156-384616.17_35",
    "offers": [{
        "plugins": ["<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n/*mboxHighlight+ (1of2) v1 ==> Response Plugin*/\r\nwindow.ttMETA=(typeof(window.ttMETA)!='undefined')?window.ttMETA:[];window.ttMETA.push({'mbox':'target-global-mbox','campaign':'at: redirect ootb','experience':'Experience B','offer':'/at_redirect_ootb/experiences/1/pages/0/1442082890250'});window.ttMBX=function(x){var mbxList=[];for(i=0;i<ttMETA.length;i++){if(ttMETA[i].mbox==x.getName()){mbxList.push(ttMETA[i])}}return mbxList[x.getId()]}\r\n</script>"],
        "actions": {
            "content": [{
                "passMboxSession": false,
                "selector": "body",
                "action": "redirect",
                "url": "https://example.com/04.html",
                "includeAllUrlParameters": true

Error Responses

The “status” and “error” parameters passed to the error callback will have the following format:


Represents the error status. This parameter can have the following values:

  • timeout: Indicates that the request timed out.
  • parseerror: Indicates that the response could not be parsed, for example if we receive HTML or plain text instead of JSON.
  • error: Indicates a general error like we received HTTP status different from 200 OK
errorStringContains additional data like exception message or anything else that might be useful for troubleshooting.
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Next pageadobe.target.getOffers() - at.js 2.x


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Tuesday, Mar 4, 4:00 PM UTC

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