Sample Code

The following code samples work for all goal metric types whether it be Conversion, Revenue or Engagement.

Viewed a Page or Mbox

This sample first gets a target mbox offer using getOffers. It then constructs a request with a notification based on that mbox offer.

The notification type property is set to display.

To indicate a page was viewed, it is important to specify the the address object in the notification payload. Be sure to set the URL accordingly.

For mboxes, you must set the mbox property on the notification object and provide an array of tokens based on the options array in the targetResult.

const TargetClient = require("@adobe/target-nodejs-sdk");
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid");

const client = TargetClient.create({
  client: "acmeclient",
  organizationId: "1234567890@AdobeOrg",
  events: { clientReady: onTargetReady },

async function onTargetReady() {
  const targetResult = await client.getOffers({
    request: {
      prefetch: {
        mboxes: [
            name: "homepage",
            index: 1
      sessionId: uuidv4()

  const { mboxes = [] } = targetResult.response.prefetch;

  const request = {
    context: { channel: "web" },
    notifications: => {
      const { options = [] } = mbox;

      return {
        impressionId: uuidv4(),
        address: {
          url: ""
        timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
        type: "display",
        mbox: {
        tokens: => option.eventToken)
  // send the notification event
  await client.sendNotifications({ request });
ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder()

TargetClient targetClient = TargetClient.create(clientConfig);

Context context = new Context()
        .address(new Address().url(""));

TargetDeliveryResponse targetResult = targetJavaClient.getOffers(TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()
        .prefetch(new PrefetchRequest()
                .mboxes(new ArrayList() {{
                    add(new MboxRequest().name("homepage").index(1));

List<Notification> notifications = new ArrayList<>();
List<PrefetchMboxResponse> mboxes = targetResult.getResponse().getPrefetch().getMboxes();

for (PrefetchMboxResponse mbox : mboxes) {
    List<Option> options = mbox.getOptions();

    notifications.add((Notification) new Notification()
            .mbox(new NotificationMbox().name(mbox.getName()))
            .address(new Address().url(""))

TargetDeliveryRequest notificationRequest = TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()


Clicked an Mbox

This sample first gets a target mbox offer using getOffers. It then constructs a request with a notification based on that mbox offer.

The notification type property is set to click.

You must set the mbox property on the notification object and provide an array of tokens based on the metrics array in the targetResult.

const TargetClient = require("@adobe/target-nodejs-sdk");
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid");

const client = TargetClient.create({
  client: "acmeclient",
  organizationId: "1234567890@AdobeOrg",
  events: { clientReady: onTargetReady },

async function onTargetReady() {
  const targetResult = await client.getOffers({
    request: {
      prefetch: {
        mboxes: [
            name: "homepage",
            index: 1
      sessionId: uuidv4()

  const { mboxes = [] } = targetResult.response.prefetch;

  const request = {
    context: { channel: "web" },
    notifications: => {
      const { options = [], metrics = [] } = mbox;

      return {
        impressionId: uuidv4(),
        address: {
          url: ""
        timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
        type: "click",
        mbox: {
        tokens: metrics
                  .filter(metric => metric.type === "click")
                  .map(metric => metric.eventToken)
  // send the notification event
  await client.sendNotifications({ request });
ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder()

TargetClient targetClient = TargetClient.create(clientConfig);

Context context = new Context()
        .address(new Address().url(""));

TargetDeliveryResponse targetResult = targetJavaClient.getOffers(TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()
        .prefetch(new PrefetchRequest()
                .mboxes(new ArrayList() {{
                    add(new MboxRequest().name("homepage").index(1));

List<Notification> notifications = new ArrayList<>();
List<PrefetchMboxResponse> mboxes = targetResult.getResponse().getPrefetch().getMboxes();

for (PrefetchMboxResponse mbox : mboxes) {
    List<Metric> metrics = mbox.getMetrics();

    notifications.add((Notification) new Notification()
            .mbox(new NotificationMbox().name(mbox.getName()))
                    .filter(metric -> MetricType.CLICK.equals(metric.getType()))
            .address(new Address().url(""))

TargetDeliveryRequest notificationRequest = TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()


Viewed a View

This sample first gets target views using getOffers. It then constructs a request with a notification based on those views.

The notification type property is set to display.

For views, you must set the view property on the notification object and provide an array of tokens based on the options array in the targetResult.

const TargetClient = require("@adobe/target-nodejs-sdk");
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid");

const client = TargetClient.create({
  client: "acmeclient",
  organizationId: "1234567890@AdobeOrg",
  events: { clientReady: onTargetReady },

async function onTargetReady() {
  const targetResult = await client.getOffers({
    request: {
      prefetch: {
        views: [{}]
      sessionId: uuidv4()

  const { views = [] } = targetResult.response.prefetch;

  const request = {
    context: { channel: "web" },
    notifications: => {
      const { options = [], metrics = [] } = view;

      return {
        impressionId: uuidv4(),
        address: {
          url: ""
        timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
        type: "display",
        view: {
        tokens: => option.eventToken)
  // send the notification event
  await client.sendNotifications({ request });
ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder()

TargetClient targetClient = TargetClient.create(clientConfig);

Context context = new Context()
        .address(new Address().url(""));

TargetDeliveryResponse targetResult = targetJavaClient.getOffers(TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()
        .prefetch(new PrefetchRequest()
                .views(new ArrayList() {{
                    add(new ViewRequest());

List<Notification> notifications = new ArrayList<>();
List<View> views = targetResult.getResponse().getPrefetch().getViews();

for (View view : views) {
    List<Option> options = view.getOptions();
    List<Metric> metrics = view.getMetrics();

    notifications.add((Notification) new Notification()
            .view(new NotificationView().name(view.getName()))
            .address(new Address().url(""))

TargetDeliveryRequest notificationRequest = TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()


Clicked a View

This sample first gets target views using getOffers. It then constructs a request with notifications based on those views.

The notification type property is set to click.

You must set the view property on the notification object and provide an array of tokens based on the metrics array in the targetResult.

const TargetClient = require("@adobe/target-nodejs-sdk");
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid");

const client = TargetClient.create({
  client: "acmeclient",
  organizationId: "1234567890@AdobeOrg",
  events: { clientReady: onTargetReady },

async function onTargetReady() {
  const targetResult = await client.getOffers({
    request: {
      prefetch: {
        views: [{}]
      sessionId: uuidv4()

  const { views = [] } = targetResult.response.prefetch;

  const request = {
    context: { channel: "web" },
    notifications: => {
      const { options = [], metrics = [] } = view;

      return {
        impressionId: uuidv4(),
        address: {
          url: ""
        timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
        type: "click",
        view: {
        tokens: metrics
                  .filter(metric => metric.type === "click")
                  .map(metric => metric.eventToken)
  // send the notification event
  await client.sendNotifications({ request });
ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder()

TargetClient targetClient = TargetClient.create(clientConfig);

Context context = new Context()
        .address(new Address().url(""));

TargetDeliveryResponse targetResult = targetJavaClient.getOffers(TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()
        .prefetch(new PrefetchRequest()
                .views(new ArrayList() {{
                    add(new ViewRequest());

List<Notification> notifications = new ArrayList<>();
List<View> views = targetResult.getResponse().getPrefetch().getViews();

for (View view : views) {
    List<Option> options = view.getOptions();
    List<Metric> metrics = view.getMetrics();

    notifications.add((Notification) new Notification()
            .view(new NotificationView().name(view.getName()))
                    .filter(metric -> MetricType.CLICK.equals(metric.getType()))
            .address(new Address().url(""))

TargetDeliveryRequest notificationRequest = TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()

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