useCORSOnly usecorsonly
An optional, Boolean flag that controls how the browser requests resources from the Experience Cloud Identity Service.
Syntax: useCORSOnly: true|false
(default is false
When set to false
, the browser performs resource checks with CORS or JSONP. However, the ID service always tries to request resources with CORS first. It reverts to JSONP on older browsers that do not support CORS. If you need to force the browser to use CORS only, set useCORSOnly:true
in the Visitor.getInstance
function call.
Set useCORSOnly: true
if you have strict security requirements. You should only enable this mode if you’re confident all of your visitors use browsers that support CORS. The user experience is unaffected by browsers that do not support CORS. However, browsers without CORS support cannot request resources or exchange data with the Adobe Experience Cloud.Code Sample
var visitor = Visitor.getInstance ("Insert Experience Cloud organization ID here",{
trackingServer: "Insert tracking server here here", //Same as s.trackingServer
trackingServerSecure: "Insert secure tracking server here", //Same as s.trackingServerSecure
//For CNAME support only. Exclude these variables if you're not using CNAME
marketingCloudServer: "Insert tracking server here",
marketingCloudServerSecure: "Insert secure tracking server here",
//Function variable
useCORSOnly: true