callTimeOut Methods
Last update: June 10, 2021
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Call these ID service functions to determine the timeout status for a Experience Cloud Identity Service, Analytics, or Audience Manager ID request. Available in VisitorAPI.js version 1.7.0 or higher.
Timeout Functions
Solution or Service | Function Syntax |
Experience Cloud Identity Service | var variableName = visitor.MCIDCallTimedOut() |
Analytics | var variableName = visitor.AnalyticsIDCallTimedOut() |
Audience Manager | var variableName = visitor.AAMIDCallTimedOut() |
Function Responses
Response | Description |
TRUE | The ID service sent a request and the request timed out. |
FALSE | The ID service sent a request and received a successful response from the server. |
NULL | The ID service did not send a request. |
Experience Cloud Services
- Identity Service Help
- Overview
- Implementation
- Implementation methods
- Implementation guides
- Implement with Experience Platform tags
- Implement for Analytics
- Implement for Target
- Implement for Analytics and Audience Manager
- Implement for Analytics, Audience Manager, and Target
- Using the ID Service with A4T and a Server-side Implementation of Target
- Direct Integration with the ID Service
- Direct Integration Use Cases
- Test and verify the ID Service
- Opt-in Service
- ID Service API
- ID Service API Overview
- Configuration
- Configurations overview
- audienceManagerServer and audienceManagerServerSecure
- cookieDomain
- cookieLifetime
- disableIdSyncs
- disableThirdPartyCalls
- disableThirdPartyCookies
- idSyncAttachIframeOnWindowLoad
- idSyncContainerID
- idSyncSSLUseAkamai
- loadTimeout
- overwriteCrossDomainMCIDAndAID
- resetBeforeVersion
- sdidParamExpiry
- Secure and SameSite configurations
- secureCookie
- useCORSOnly
- whitelistParentDomain and whitelistIframeDomains
- Methods
- Methods
- appendSupplementalDataIDTo
- appendVisitorIDsTo (Cross-Domain Tracking)
- callTimeOut Methods
- ID Synchronization by URL or Data Source
- getInstance
- getAnalyticsVisitorID
- getCustomerIDs
- setCustomerIDs
- getMarketingCloudVisitorID
- getLocationHint
- getVisitorValues
- isClientSideMarketingCloudVisitorID
- resetState
- Reference
- Reference Overview
- Analytics Reference
- Analytics Reference Overview
- CNAME Implementation Overview
- Setting Analytics and Experience Cloud IDs
- Order of Operations for Analytics IDs
- ID Service Migration Decision Points
- ID Service Migration Scenarios
- Analytics and Identity Requests
- Server-side Implementation Mixed with JavaScript
- The ID Service Grace Period
- Google Chrome SameSite labelling changes
- Content Security Policies and the ID Service
- COPPA Support in the ID Service
- CORS Support in the ID Service
- Customer IDs and Authentication States
- ECID library methods in a Safari ITP world
- Identifying Unique Visitors
- Get Region and User IDs From the AMCV Cookie or the ID Service
- Requirements for the ID Service
- Video Heartbeat and the ID Service
- Data Workbench and the ID Service
- SHA256 Hashing Support for setCustomerIDs
- FAQs
- Release notes for ID Service
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