Experience Cloud release notes - 2019 release-notes

Feature releases, updates, or changes to the Experience Cloud Identity Service.

Version 4.4.1

Add pre opt-in approval checkbox for media analytics in ECID Launch Extension.


  • Issue with ECID launch extension preOptInApprovals input string parsing.
  • Performance drop when trackingServer is being used.

Version 4.4 version-4point4

New Feature

SHA256 Hashing Support for setCustomerIDs. Experience Cloud ID Service (ECID) supports the SHA-256 hashing algorithm that allows you to pass in customer IDs or email addresses, and pass out hashed IDs.

Fixes, enhancements, improvements

  • We made a configuration update to cookieDomain. The ECID library now filters out the empty string cookieDomain in initConfig and uses the top level cookie domain, which is returned by the getDomain method.
  • We fixed a bug related to getVisitorValues in localVisitor.
  • We fixed a bug where there was an inconsistency for the MCOPTOUT value in the Safari browser, returned by the getVisitorValue method.
  • We updated the Opt-in library by adding optIn.off to unsubscribe from events.
  • We fixed a bug related to the setTimeout function, where setTimeout violated the Content Security Policy (CSP) on some customer sites.

Version 4.3 version-4point3

Support for ITP 2.1. If a tracking server is set in a first party CNAME, a new cookie (s_ecid) is placed with the ECID value. The ECID library references the value to persist the ID beyond 7 days. See ECID library methods in a Safari ITP world.

Bug fix for secureCookie config.

Version 4.1

Update publishDestinations per new API change. With this update the referrer information of the page can be exposed during ID - sync if desired.

Version 4.2

Support for the Audience Manager Plug-in for IAB TCF, available via the ECID Opt-in object.


  • IAB + OptIn fails to get MID for revisiting customers.
  • Fixed bug on opt-in doesOptInApply configuration in DTM.
  • ECID opt-out disables ID syncs.

Version 4.0 section-51a4be943bbe41558f196ef2654513e2

Opt-in service. Opt-in is an extension of the Experience Cloud ID (ECID) that allows you to control whether (and then which) Experience Cloud libraries can create cookies on web pages for visitors. Using Experience Platform Launch, you can simplify gathering visitor opt-in consents for Experience Cloud solution by enabling Analytics, Target, Audience Manager, and other or all select Experience Cloud solutions to opt-in to your consent management system.

Version 3.4 section-046ce29b43af47cc849d4091098f5927

disableIdSyncs flag not working when passed a string.
Fixed. Values set on disableidSyncs parameter for getInstance function are now being honored.
Third-party iFrames not getting ECID
Fixed ECID on Safari Mobil and ECIDs in various iFrames that were not working.