Use Cases

These configurations help solve the problem of setting an ID service cookie and assigning a visitor ID when browsers block third-party cookies and if either of these conditions apply:

  • You do or do not control the parent page/domain.
  • ID service code is not installed on the parent page, but is implemented in an iFrame.
You may also want to implement these configurations when you’re serving video in an iFrame with Video Heartbeat. Video Heartbeat needs an ID service ID (the MID) to work properly.

Use Case 1: The Browser Blocks Third-Party Cookies and the ID Service is Implemented on the iFrame and Parent Page

Use Case ElementDescription

This use case includes the following conditions:

  • Company A implements the ID service on their home page.
  • Company A implements the ID service in iFrame on their home page.
  • Company A owns the parent page and the iFrame and have implemented the ID service in both places.
  • A customer loads the parent page in a browser that blocks third-party cookies.

Given these conditions, the ID service:

  • Works properly on the parent page. It requests and sets the AMCV cookie and assigns a unique ID to the site visitor.
  • Does not work in the iFrame. This is because the browser sees the iFrame as a third-party domain and prevents the ID service from setting the AMCV cookie.

Modify the ID service Visitor.getInstance function in the iFrame with these white list configurations. Specify the parent and child domains in the code. These configurations let the ID service code in the iFrame check the ID service code on the parent page for a visitor ID.

If the ID service code in the iFrame doesn't receive a response parent page, these configurations generate a local visitor ID.

Use Case 2: Requesting an ID from an iFrame embedded in a parent page you do not control or that does not use the ID service

Use Case ElementDescription

This use case includes the following conditions:

  • Company A does not use the ID service.
  • Company A loads an iFrame on the page. This iFrame is owned by Company B and loads in a separate domain than Company A.
  • The browser blocks third-party cookies.

Given these conditions, the ID service:

  • Does not work in the iFrame. This is because the browser sees the iFrame as a third-party domain and prevents the ID service from setting the AMCV cookie.
  • Can't get a visitor ID from the parent page because Company A doesn't use this service.

Modify the ID service Visitor.getInstance function in the iFrame with these white list configurations. Specify the parent and child domains in the code. These configurations let the ID service code in the iFrame check the ID service code on the parent page for a visitor ID.

If the ID service code in the iFrame doesn't receive a response parent page, these configurations generate a local visitor ID.

Configuration Safety and Security

You can implement these configurations safely because:

  • The ID service implemented on parent domain and the iFrame domain must use the same organization ID. These white list configurations will not work when the organization IDs on the parent or in the iFrame are different.
  • These configurations only communicate with the domain and iFrames specified in the code.
  • The communication between the iFrame and the parent page follows a specific format. If the ID service on the parent page does not receive a request in the expected format this sharing process will fail.

Supported Visitor API Methods

The ID service supports a limited set of public API methods when you implement these white list configurations. The supported methods vary according to the use case scenarios described above.

Use CaseSupported Methods
Case 1
  • getMarketingCloudID
  • getAudienceManagerLocationHint
  • getAudienceManagerBlob
  • getSupplementalDataID
  • getCustomerIDs
Case 2
  • getSupplementalDataID
  • getMarketingCloudVisitorID

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