CNAME implementation overview
- Topics:
- Identities
- Integrations
- Developer
- User
- Admin
- Leader
CNAME implementations allow you to customize the collection domain used by Adobe so that they match your own domain. These domains are also referred to as first-party collection domains. These implementations allow Adobe to set first-party cookies on the server side instead of the client side using JavaScript. In the past, these server-side first-party cookies were not subject to limits imposed under Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) policy. However, in November 2020, Apple updated their policies so that these limitations were also applied to cookies set via CNAME. Currently, both cookies set on the server side via CNAME and cookies set on the client side via Javascript are limited to a seven-day or 24-hour expiry under ITP. For more information on the ITP policy, see this Apple document on tracking prevention.
While a CNAME implementation does not provide any benefits in terms of cookie lifetime, there may be some other benefits. These benefits include ad blockers and less-common browsers preventing data from being sent to domains they classify as trackers. In these cases, using a CNAME can prevent your data collection from being disrupted for users employing these tools.
In addition, CNAME implementations allow you to choose a custom RDC type which controls where users’ hits are initially routed. The majority of customers do not use custom RDC types.
Experience Cloud Services
- Identity Service Help
- Overview
- Implementation
- Implementation methods
- Implementation guides
- Implement with Experience Platform tags
- Implement for Analytics
- Implement for Target
- Implement for Analytics and Audience Manager
- Implement for Analytics, Audience Manager, and Target
- Using the ID Service with A4T and a Server-side Implementation of Target
- Direct Integration with the ID Service
- Direct Integration Use Cases
- Test and verify the ID Service
- Opt-in Service
- ID Service API
- ID Service API Overview
- Configuration
- Configurations overview
- audienceManagerServer and audienceManagerServerSecure
- cookieDomain
- cookieLifetime
- disableIdSyncs
- disableThirdPartyCalls
- disableThirdPartyCookies
- idSyncAttachIframeOnWindowLoad
- idSyncContainerID
- idSyncSSLUseAkamai
- loadTimeout
- overwriteCrossDomainMCIDAndAID
- resetBeforeVersion
- sdidParamExpiry
- Secure and SameSite configurations
- secureCookie
- useCORSOnly
- whitelistParentDomain and whitelistIframeDomains
- Methods
- Methods
- appendSupplementalDataIDTo
- appendVisitorIDsTo (Cross-Domain Tracking)
- callTimeOut Methods
- ID Synchronization by URL or Data Source
- getInstance
- getAnalyticsVisitorID
- getCustomerIDs
- setCustomerIDs
- getMarketingCloudVisitorID
- getLocationHint
- getVisitorValues
- isClientSideMarketingCloudVisitorID
- resetState
- Reference
- Reference Overview
- Analytics Reference
- Analytics Reference Overview
- CNAME Implementation Overview
- Setting Analytics and Experience Cloud IDs
- Order of Operations for Analytics IDs
- ID Service Migration Decision Points
- ID Service Migration Scenarios
- Analytics and Identity Requests
- Server-side Implementation Mixed with JavaScript
- The ID Service Grace Period
- Google Chrome SameSite labelling changes
- Content Security Policies and the ID Service
- COPPA Support in the ID Service
- CORS Support in the ID Service
- Customer IDs and Authentication States
- ECID library methods in a Safari ITP world
- Identifying Unique Visitors
- Get Region and User IDs From the AMCV Cookie or the ID Service
- Requirements for the ID Service
- Video Heartbeat and the ID Service
- Data Workbench and the ID Service
- SHA256 Hashing Support for setCustomerIDs
- FAQs
- Release notes for ID Service
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