
The diagram and sections below describe what happens, and what you need to configure, in each step of the server-side implementation process.

Step 1: Request page

Server-side activity begins when a visitor makes an HTTP request to load a web page. During this step, your server receives this request and checks for the AMCV cookie. The AMCV cookie contains the visitor’s Experience Cloud ID (MID).

Step 2: Generate ID Service payload

Next, you need make a server-side payload request to the ID service. A payload request:

  • Passes the AMCV cookie to the ID service.
  • Requests data that is required by Target and Analytics in subsequent steps described below.
This method requests a single mbox from Target. If you need to request multiple mboxes in a single call, see generateBatchPayload.

Your payload request should look like following code sample. In the code sample, the visitor.setCustomerIDs function is optional. See Customer IDs and Authentication States for more information.

//Import the ID service server package
var Visitor = require("@adobe-mcid/visitor-js-server");

//Pass in your Organization ID to instantiate Visitor
var visitor = new Visitor("Insert Experience Cloud ID here");

<i>(Optional)</i> Set a custom customer ID
          authState: Visitor.AuthState.UNKNOWN //AuthState is a static property of the Visitor class

//Parse the visitor's HTTP request for the AMCV cookie
var cookies = cookie.parse(req.headers.cookie || "");
var cookieName = visitor.getCookieName(); // Visitor API that returns the cookie name.
var amcvCookie = cookies[cookieName];

//Generate the payload request pass your mbox name and the AMCV cookie if present
var visitorPayload = visitor.generatePayload({
     mboxName: "bottom-banner-mbox",
     amcvCookie: amcvCookie

The ID service returns the payload in a JSON object similar to the following example. Payload data is required by Target.

    "marketingCloudVisitorId": "02111696918527575543455026275721941645",
    "mboxParameters": {
        "mboxAAMB": "abcd1234",
        "mboxMCGLH": "9",
        "mboxMCSDID": "56BE026543F7E211-1CC51BCAAE88F0D2",
        "": "1234567890",
        "vst.userid.authState": 0

If your visitor doesn’t have an AMCV cookie, the payload omits these key-value pairs:

  • marketingCloudvisitorId
  • mboxAAMB
  • mboxMCGLH

Step 3: Add payload to the Target call

After your server receives payload data from the ID service, you need to instantiate additional code to merge it with data passed in to Target. The final JSON object passed to Target would look similar to this:

"mbox" : "target-global-mbox",
"requestLocation" : {
     "pageURL" : "",
     "host" : "localhost:3000"
"mboxParameters" : {
     "mboxAAMB" : "abcd1234",
     "mboxMCGLH" : "9",
     "mboxMCSDID": "56BE026543F7E211-1CC51BCAAE88F0D2",
     "": "1234567890",
     "vst.userid.authState": 0,

Step 4: Get server state for the ID Service

Server state data contains information about work that’s been done on the server. The client-side ID service code requires this information. Customers who have implemented the ID service through Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM) can configure DTM to pass server state data through that tool. If you’ve set up the ID service through a non-standard process, you will need to return server state with your own code. The client-side ID service and Analytics code passes state data to Adobe when the page loads.

Get server state via DTM

If you have implemented the ID service with DTM, you need to add code to your page and specify a name-value pair in the DTM settings.

Page Code

Add this code to the <head> tag of your HTML page:

//Get server state
var serverState = visitor.getState();

          //Add 'serverState' as a stringified JSON global variable.
          "var serverState = "+ JSON.stringify(serverState) +";
     <script src = "DTM script (satellite JS)">

DTM Settings

Add these as name-value pairs to the General > Settings section of your ID service instance:

  • Name: serverState

  • Value: %serverState%

    The value name must match the variable name you set for serverState in your page code.

Your configured settings should look like this:

Get server state without DTM

If you have a non-standard implementation of the ID service, you must configure this code to run on your server while it assembles the requested page:

//Get server state
var serverState = visitor.getState();

     <script src="VisitorAPI.js"></script>
          var visitor = Visitor.getInstance(orgID, {
          serverState: serverState

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