Sample response

The ID service returns data in a JSON object as shown below. Your response may be different.


Request and response parameters defined

Request Parameters

dpm.demdex.netA legacy domain controlled by Adobe. See Understanding Calls to the Demdex Domain.
d_midThe Experience Cloud visitor ID. See Cookies and the Experience Cloud Identity Service.
d_orgidYour Experience Cloud Organization ID. For help with finding this ID see, Requirements for the Experience Cloud Identity Service.

An optional parameter that passes the Data Provider ID (DPID), the Unique User ID (DPUUID), and an authenticated state ID to the ID service. As shown in the code sample, separate the DPID and DPUUID with the non-printing control character, %01.


In the d_cid parameter, assign each related DPID and DPUUID combination to the same d_cid parameter. This lets you return multiple ID sets in a single request. Also, separate the DPID, DPUUID, and optional authentication flag with the non-printing control character, %01. In the examples below, the provider and user IDs are highlighted in bold text.

  • Syntax: ...d_cid=DPID%01DPUUID%01authentication state...
  • Example: ...d_cid=123%01456%011...

Authentication State

This is an optional ID in the d_cid parameter. Expressed as an integer, it identifies users according to their authentication status as shown below:

  • 0 (Unknown)
  • 1 (Authenticated)
  • 2 (Logged out)

To specify an authentication state, you set this flag after the user ID (UUID) variable. Separate the UUID and authentication flag with the non-printing control character, %01. In the examples below, the authentication IDs are highlighted in bold text.

Syntax: ...d_cid=DPID%01DPUUID%01authentication state


  • Unknown: ...d_cid=123%01456%010...
  • Authenticated: ...d_cid=123%01456%011...
  • Logged out: ...d_cid=123%01456%012...
dcs_regionThe ID service is a geographically distributed and load-balanced system. The ID identifies the region of the data center handling the call. See DCS Region IDs, Locations, and Host Names.
d_cb(Optional) A callback parameter that lets you execute a JavaScript function in the request body.
d_blobAn encrypted chunk of JavaScript metadata. Size constraints limit the blob to 512 bytes or less.
d_verRequired. This sets the API version number. Leave this set as d_ver=2.

Response Parameters

Some response parameters are part of the request and have been defined in the section above.

id_sync_ttlThe re-synchronization interval, specified in seconds. The default interval is 604,800 seconds (7-days).

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