Version 2.3

July, 2017

sdidParamExpiryWhen added to the Visitor.getInstance function, this configuration lets you override the default Supplemental Data ID (SDID) expiration interval when passing that ID from one page to another. You would use sdidParamExpiry with the appendSupplimentalDataTo helper function. See sdidParamExpiry.
resetStateThis function is designed mainly for A4T customers to help solve issues related to working with IDs on single page sites/screens or apps. See resetState.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Fixed a bug in VisitorAPI.js v2.2 that prevented the ID service and Target from working together in Internet Explorer.
  • Revised code to help improve how the ID service sends data to the Destination Publishing iFrame. This helps reduce CPU usage.

Version 2.2

Release date: June, 2017

whitelistParentDomain and whitelistIframeDomainsThese configurations let different instances of ID service code implemented in an iFrame and on the parent page communicate with each other. They're designed to help resolve problems with 2 specific use cases where you may or may not control the parent page/domain and you have ID service code loading in the iFrame of a domain that you do control.

Documentation Updates for May

FAQUpdated the Analytics section with information on how to find tracking server information.

Documentation Updates for April

audienceManagerServer and audienceManagerServerSecureAdded links to Audience Manager documentation that describes calls to the domain.
Understanding ID Synchronization and Match RatesRevised Media Optimizer section to describe the call to This is the automatic ID sync that the ID service performs with Media Optimizer. This feature was released in January, 2017. See Version 2.0 below.

Version 2.1

Release date: February, 2017


ID service API property, idSyncContainerIDThis property sets the container ID used by Audience Manager for ID syncs. See idSyncContainerID.
ID service API method, appendSupplementalDataIDTo( URL, SDID)This public method appends the Supplemental Data ID (SDID) as a query string parameter to a redirect URL. See appendSupplementalDataIDTo. (MCID-285)


Fixed a bug that caused the ID service to make redundant server calls for an ID instead of using the ID stored in the AMCV cookie. (MCID-296)

New Documentation

Using DNS Prefetch with Different Experience Cloud Solutions and Services

Version 2.0

January, 2017

The ID service code v2.0 automatically synchronizes IDs with Adobe Media Optimizer by default. This means you’ll see a call from the page to, which is a legacy Media Optimizer domain controlled by Adobe. See also, Understanding ID Synchronization and Match Rates.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that prevented AppMeasurement from making tracking calls to Analytics. (MCID-254, MCID-256, MCID-286)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the ID service from failing right away if a visitor had enabled an ad blocker and that blocker was configured to exclude the domain. This is a rare and unusual bug because most ad blocking tools do not block the domain. (MCID-233)
  • Fixed a bug caused by interactions between ID service code and a custom script on a customer’s website. This issue prevented Internet Explorer 9 from loading Web pages. (MCID-206)

Previous Years

Older ID service release notes.

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