Version 1.5

July, 2015

The Experience Cloud ID service supports multiple IDs and authentication states. This change also removes deprecated support for Audience Manager DPID mappings to user IDs used by the setCustomerIDs function. See Customer IDs and Authentication States

Version 1.4

May, 2015

As of version 1.4, the preferred method of setting configuration is passing in a config object in as the second parameter to the Visitor.getInstance function.

var visitor = Visitor.getInstance("016D5C175213CCA80A490D05@AdobeOrg",{

See Experience Cloud.

Version 1.3.5

February, 2015

Fixed the handling of timeout on requests for AAM Blob and Location Hint. Now, on a timeout, the system will correctly leave those fields blank for the current page and make all callbacks. The timeout is treated as an error condition, so it will try again on the next page. (AN-94473, AN-94474)

Version 1.3.4

January, 2015

Reworked <head>/<body> tag finding for JSONP request <script> tag container, as well as the creation of the <script> tag to account for different DOM implementations (HTML vs XHTML) with possibly different case sensitivity settings. (AN-9355)

Experience Cloud Services

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