Use arrays of objects in Customer Journey Analytics

Learn how to utilize object arrays from profile and lookup datasets in CJA to enrich your B2B and B2C analysis, from Connections, to Data Views, and Workspace.

Hello, I’m Marijke Engel, Principal Product Manager for Customer Journey Analytics at Adobe. Today I’m going to cover object array support for profile and lookup data within CJA. So let’s say you have profile data that includes object arrays for all the accounts associated with each person. Previously, CJA did not support ingestion of these object arrays because they were contained within the profile. Now you can easily bring these arrays directly into CJA. Let’s walk through how this could be done. Starting with a really simple data set. In the first table we have both event data and profile data linked together. So we can see Larry sent an email, Bo attended a webinar, Curly created an account. In addition, within the profile data there’s an object array that contains all of the account IDs associated with each person. Larry and Bo are both part of LunaStore, where Curly is part of SolarStore and OceanStore. So bringing this data into Adobe, we’ll start with Experience Platform and create a schema. Today we’re going to utilize the B2B person schema. Within that person schema, under Person Components, Source Account Key, there’s a source key that contains the object array of all of the accounts. So in structuring our data, we’ll want to utilize the structure of the schema to bring in that object array data. Looking at our JSON file of our data set, we have Curly as the person key. And then within the Person Component, we have an object array that contains both the SolarStore information and the OceanStore information. We can upload that into Experience Platform and then bring it into CJA through our connections. This is the same as you would do with any other data set. So in this example, we’ve got the activity data, that’s the events, the person profile data which contains our object array, and then we also have some lookup data. Bringing that connection into a data view, all of the object arrays within the profile data are now available. So I can simply drag this over and add it to the data view for utilization in Workspace. Finally, in Workspace, you can build a report that contains that relationship between the account ID and the person ID. So in this report, you can see that LunaStore contains Mo and Larry as people within the store, whereas SolarStore and OceanStore each contain Curly. This is a great example of how object array data can be brought through profile and into your Workspace reporting. For lookup data, you can utilize the same path to bring lookup object arrays all the way into Workspace.

For more information, visit the documentation.
