Data and Updates Information

Why did my data change? datachange

Chart values can change throughout the day due to new data being synced to your Data Warehouse. Also, values for existing data columns can change due to rechecks. A recheck is a process that looks for changed values in data columns, such as an order status moving from open to shipped.

There are a few different ways to check the status of your update cycle, depending on the user’s permissions settings.

What is the difference between a regular and forced update? regularforcedupdates

Regular updates are scheduled processes while forced updates are manual processes initiated by you. If you have blackout hours (or a time period where Commerce Intelligence should not update your data), forcing an update starts a cycle that does not respect the limitations of the blackout period.

Why does the update cycle take a long time? updatecycletime

Numerous factors can add to an already lengthy update time. Certain replication methods, higher recheck frequencies, and the number of dashboards and charts are just a few contributors. Adobe recommends reconfiguring some of your settings and optimizing your database for analysis to reduce update times.

Can I be notified when an update cycle completes? notifyupdate

If an update is in progress, there is a link on the Connections page that you can use to request an email notification once the cycle completes.

Why isGoogle ECommercedata different from my database? ecommdatabase

Discrepancies between Google Analytics and your database can arise for various reasons. Tracking not being properly enabled, users visiting incognito, and click events not working correctly are just a few examples. If your revenue and orders do not look right, see this topic to diagnose a problem.

How do I troubleshoot a data discrepancy? datadiscrepancy

Adobe knows that seeing inconsistent data can be a frustrating experience. Try using the Data Discrepancy Checklist or Data Exports tutorial to diagnose the problem. If you are still stumped, contact support.
