sales_order Table

The sales_order table (sales_flat_order on M1) is where each order is captured. Usually, each row represents one unique order, although there are some custom implementations of Commerce that result in splitting an order into separate rows.

This table includes all customer orders, whether that order was processed through guest checkout. If your store accepts guest checkout, you can find more information about this use case.

Common Columns

Column Name
Currency for all values captured in base_* fields (that is base_grand_total, base_subtotal, and so on). This typically reflects the Commerce store’s default currency
Discount value applied to order
Final price paid by the customer on the order, after all taxes, shipping, and discounts are applied. Although the precise calculation is customizable, in general the base_grand_total is calculated as base_subtotal + base_tax_amount + base_shipping_amount + base_discount_amount - base_gift_cards_amount - base_customer_balance_amount
Gross merchandise value of all items included in the order. Taxes, shipping, discounts, and so on, are not included
Shipping value applied to order
Tax value applied to order
Foreign key associated with the sales_order_address table. Join to sales_order_address.entity_id to determine the billing address details associated with the order
Coupon applied to order. If no coupon is applied, this field is NULL
Creation timestamp of the order, stored locally in UTC. Depending on your configuration in Commerce Intelligence, this timestamp may be converted to a reporting time zone in Commerce Intelligence that differs from your database time zone
Email address of the customer placing the order. This is populated in all situations, including orders processed through guest checkout
Foreign key associated with the customer_group table. Join to customer_group.customer_group_id to determine the customer group associated with the order
Foreign key associated with the customer_entity table, if the customer is registered. Join to customer_entity.entity_id to determine customer attributes associated with the order. If the order was placed through guest checkout, this field is NULL
entity_id (PK)
Unique identifier for the table, and commonly used in joins to other tables within the Commerce instance
Unique identifier for an order, and commonly referred to as the order_id within Adobe Commerce. The increment_id is most often used for joins to external sources, such as Google Ecommerce
Foreign key associated with the sales_order_address table. Join to sales_order_address.entity_id to determine the shipping address details associated with the order
Order’s status. May return values such as ‘complete’, ‘processing’, ‘cancelled’, ‘refunded’, and any custom statuses implemented on the Commerce instance. Subject to changes as the order gets processed
Foreign key associated with the store table. Join to store.store_id to determine which Commerce store view is associated with the order

Common Calculated Columns

Column Name
Billing address city
Billing city for the order. Calculated by joining sales_order.billing_address_id to sales_order_address.entity_id and returning the city field
Billing address country
Billing country code for the order. Calculated by joining sales_order.billing_address_id to sales_order_address.entity_id and returning the country_id
Billing address region
Billing region (most often state or province) for the order. Calculated by joining sales_order.billing_address_id to sales_order_address.entity_id and returning the region field
Customer's first order date
Timestamp of the first order placed by this customer. Often considered to be the “acquisition date” for a customer. Calculated by returning the minimum sales_order.created_at value for each unique customer
Customer's first order's billing region
Acquisition billing region for the customer who placed the order. Calculated by returning the Billing address region associated with the customer’s first order
Customer's first order's coupon_code
Acquisition coupon code for the customer who placed this order. Calculated by returning the coupon_code associated with the customer’s first order
Customer's group code
Group name of the customer who placed this order. Calculated by joining sales_order.customer_group_id to customer_group.customer_group_id and returning the customer_group_code field
Customer's lifetime number of coupons
Total quantity of coupons applied to all orders placed by this customer. Calculated by counting the number of orders where the coupon_code is not NULL for each unique customer
Customer's lifetime number of orders
Total count of orders placed by this customer. Calculated by counting the number of rows in the sales_order table for each unique customer
Customer's lifetime revenue
Sum total of revenue for all orders placed by this customer. Calculated by summing the base_grand_total field for all orders for each unique customer
Customer's order number
Sequential order rank for this customer’s order. Calculated by identifying all orders placed by a customer, sorting them in ascending order by the created_at timestamp, and assigning an incrementing integer value to each order. For example, the customer’s first order returns a Customer's order number of 1, the customer’s second order returns a Customer's order number of 2, and so on.
Customer's order number (previous-current)
Rank of customer’s previous order concatenated with the rank of this order, separated by a - character. Calculated by concatenating (“Customer's order number - 1”) with “-” followed by “Customer's order number”. For example, for the order associated with the customer’s second purchase, this column returns a value of 1-2. Most often used when representing the time between two order events (that is, in the “Time between orders” chart)
Is customer's last order?
Determines whether the order corresponds to the customer’s last, or most recent, order. Calculated by comparing the Customer's order number value with Customer's lifetime number of orders. When these two fields are equal for the given order, this column returns Yes; otherwise it returns No
Number of items in order
Total quantity of items included in the order. Calculated by joining sales_order.entity_id to sales_order_item.order_id and summing the sales_order_item.qty_ordered field
Seconds between customer's first order date and this order
Elapsed time between this order and the customer’s first order. Calculated by subtracting Customer's first order date from the created_at for each order, returned as an integer number of seconds
Seconds since previous order
Elapsed time between this order and the customer’s immediately preceding order. Calculated by subtracting the created_at for the previous order from the created_at of this order, returned as an integer number of seconds. For example, for the order record corresponding to a customer’s third order, this column returns the number of seconds between the customer’s second order and third order. For the customer’s first order, this field returns NULL
Shipping address city
Shipping city for the order. Calculated by joining sales_order.shipping_address_id to sales_order_address.entity_id and returning the city field
Shipping address country
Shipping country code for the order. Calculated by joining sales_order.Shipping_address_id to sales_order_address.entity_id and returning the country_id
Shipping address region
Shipping region (most often state or province) for the order. Calculated by joining sales_order.shipping_address_id to sales_order_address.entity_id and returning the region field
Store name
The name of the Commerce store associated with this order. Calculated by joining sales_order.store_id to store.store_id and returning the name field

Common Metrics

Metric Name
Avg order value
The average revenue per order, where revenue is defined as the base_grand_total
Operation: Average
Operand: base_grand_total
Timestamp: created_at
Avg time between orders
The average time between a customer’s (n-1) order and nth order, for all customers and orders
Operation: Average
Operand: Seconds since previous order
Timestamp: created_at
The sum of the gross merchandise value for all orders, where GMV is defined as the subtotal, before all taxes and discounts are applied
Operation: Sum
Operand: base_subtotal
Timestamp: created_at
Median time between orders
The median time between a customer’s (n-1) order and nth order, for all customers and orders
Operation: Median
Operand: Seconds since previous order
Timestamp: created_at
The total count of orders placed
Operation: Count
Operand: entity_id
Timestamp: created_at
The sum of the revenue for all orders, where revenue is defined as the final price paid by the customer, after all taxes, discounts, shipping, and so on, are applied
Operation: Sum
Operand: base_grand_total
Timestamp: created_at
The sum of the shipping amount for all orders
Operation: Sum
Operand: base_shipping_amount
Timestamp: created_at
The sum of the taxes applied to all orders
Operation: Sum
Operand: base_tax_amount
Timestamp: created_at
Unique Customers
The number of unique customers placing an order in the given reporting time interval. For example if the report’s interval was weekly, each customer who places at least one order in a given week is counted exactly once, regardless of how many orders they placed in that week
Operation: Count Distinct
Operand: customer_email
Timestamp: created_at

Foreign Key Joining Paths


  • Join to customer_entity table to create new customer-level columns associated with the customer who placed the order.
    • Path: sales_order.customer_id (many) => customer_entity.entity_id (one)


  • Join to customer_group table to create columns that return the customer group name of the customer who placed the order.
    • Path: sales_order.customer_group_id (many) => customer_group.customer_group_id (one)


  • Join to sales_order_address table to create columns that return billing and shipping locations associated with the order. Two joining paths are possible, depending on whether the billing or shipping details are required.

    • Paths:

      • Shipping: sales_order.shipping_address_id(many) => sales_order_address.entity_id (one)
      • Billing: sales_order.billing_address_id(many) => sales_order_address.entity_id (one)


  • Join to store table to create columns that return details related to the Commerce store associated with the order.
    • Path: sales_order.store_id (many) => store.store_id (one)